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Secrets of energy and law of attraction

Use meditation to remember your dreams that you see during your sleep and interpret them to understand the message from them

Meditation can become a great help when dealing with dreams. The world of dreams is rich in information about yourself, your life, the people around you, and your relationship with the world around you. When you explore your dreams, you relate directly to your inner spirit, and this is one of the goals of meditation. You can connect the world of your dreams to your world of consciousness through some meditation exercises.

Here are three paths to meditation that can lead to a better understanding of dreams:

1. You can use meditation to return to your dream to complete a procedure or to get a better understanding of something.

2. You can re-enter the dream and become a person or embodiment of it. The resulting experience can reveal important connections in your vigilant life.

3. If there is a certain message that appeared to you through the dream - something that was said in the dream and resonated in your conscious mind - you can use this message as a violin in your meditation.

To deal with your dreams, it is useful to record them. Here are some ideas about dream recording from Dreams: Working Interactive:

• Keep a sheet and pen near your bed so that you do not have to go out of bed to look for them.

• Write the dream exactly as thoroughly as possible. The details of dreams fade from the human mind within minutes or hours of waking up. Therefore, it is necessary to record the dream immediately after waking up.

• Record your dream without any comments from you. Train your dream observation without your intervention. Do not analyze the dream while writing it, and do not modify any content that is uncomfortable for you. By the same token, do not worry about every little detail about colors and inscriptions. Simply record places, characters and events.

• Allow the dream spirit to paint your words.

• Record all dreams as if they were happening in the present, because that will make it easy to re-enter the dream and remember it fully.

Once you've finished recording your dream, you can go back to what you wrote later and add any details you remember. The first version of the dream may look like the school assignment that you were writing while you were small. It will contain a lot of additions and deletions, and may contain phrases written in unclear handwriting.

 Return to Dream

There are several ways to re-enter the dream. The following method helps you do this with the meditation and observations you have made about your dream.

1. While preparing for meditation, read the dream again. Look for something in the dream that draws your attention. It can be a person, a color, a place, an animal, a symbol, or an event in a dream. It is possible that this thing is the most logical thing in a dream, or it is the most strange thing.

2. Start meditating. Breathe slowly and fully. As you listen to a quiet musician relax and relieve the tension in your body.

3. While breathing deeply, remember what you have chosen in your dream. Notice how you feel about this thing.

4. Let your mind come close to the thing you have chosen. Follow your random thoughts around it. Let yourself move from the role of observer to the role of the participant while you re-enter the dream.

5. Because you are awake now, you can roam within the dream. You can take actions you may not have been able to take during the original dream:

a. You can complete the dream if you have interpreted it. Once you have re-entered the dream, let the events unfold. Think about what you want to happen.

B. You can leave the dream. If the dream is uncomfortable in any way, you can leave it, sit calm for a few minutes, then try again or simply compliment your trust.

C. You can remember more detail. I have come back to dream, so you can wander inside it, you can hear things, and you can even smell the same smells in your dream.

6. When you feel good, or when the dream stops, or when your available time runs out, you can withdraw from the dream. When you do this, express your respect for everything that has happened.

7. Write new information from the dream, type any ideas or insights you have gained from it, and write down any important feelings you felt.

8. Terminate your insurance. Give yourself a few minutes to re-adapt yourself to the world of vigilance.

What new information did you get, both from the dream itself or from the whole process? Did meditation help you remember the dream? Remember the things that worked with you to use the next time. Also remember to show your respect for everything that happened in the dream.

 Focus on a person or a particular image in a dream

In the previous training, I used an element of the dream as an entry point for the dream. Now we will focus on a certain element of the dream and explore it. This time, the events will not move in the dream, but will analyze a personality or image or symbol in detail.

1. Read what you wrote about the dream to remember what you already know about the person or picture you want to explore.

2. Start meditation as usual. Breathe slowly and deeply.

3. While relaxing, focus your mind on the person or image you want to explore.

4. Check every detail you can see. Remember, you may be able to hear a person, which will help you explore visual details. You may be able to see the image, which will help you take advantage of your other senses.

5. As you explore what you are aware of, let yourself approach and move away from the picture. Change your point of view. Is there a background or another aspect of the image?

6. Get close to the picture and let yourself touch it, or merge with it. Note what you see and feel.

7. Note how the image changes during scanning.

8. Note how your feelings and thoughts change during the image scan.

9. When you are satisfied, move away from the picture and then withdraw from the dream.

10. Record your feedback.

11. Complete your duties.

Mostly, we will find a lot of suffering with difficult dreams. We try to apply the concept of vigilance to understanding dream messages, but the dream has its own logic that can be identified and examined. By re-entering the dream and interacting with its characters and images, you can use your skills to meditate on reaching the inner logic of the dream and exploring it more fully. When you do this, you create a stronger link between your awake consciousness and your dreaming mind. Even the most terrifying dreams can give you some useful information when you approach them this way.

 Call the dream message and repeat the violin

In some dreams, you will see an influential character telling you something effective. You will find what this character said engraved in your mind, although you may forget the details of the dream and how the arrival of this influential figure. When you wake up, you will find that what this character told you is the only thing you remember from the dream.

Sometimes a dream message is woven into a series of events. You will find that the actions of people in the dream all refer to that message. Sometimes the events will seem quite ordinary, and the unusual thing is that you remember all the words very clearly. Mostly, the dream message is short and fast, like the buzzwords you see in commercials. Even if the words do not seem to have a clear meaning, a specific number, or any scripture or sacred words, it may be useful to use them in your trust.

1. Read what you wrote about the dream to remember the words.

2. Start your workout.

3. During your relaxation, breathe slowly, and start repeating the words. I find it useful to read the words aloud, not read them in secret.

4. You may find words flowing slowly and rhythmically, or you may find them rushing fast and loud.

5. Regardless of how you do the words, keep repeating them. Remember to breathe while repeating words.

6. Continue for several minutes.

7. Finish your job.

What did you notice in the words? How did you feel when you said these words aloud one after the other? Does the rhythm or meaning of words change? Have the same words changed? How do you feel after using the words KMantra in your trust?

Because working with dreams is an interactive process between your conscious mind and your subconscious mind, you will find that the dreams coming are links to the dreams that you have dealt with in your faith. The characters that bring you into the dream have changed their appearance, dress, or behavior. Symbols may change and develop in unexpected directions. The events of dreams may take place in different directions.

By recording dreams and dealing with them in your trust, you increase the richness of the dialogue between your conscious mind and your subconscious mind. One of the results would be to deepen the link between the two worlds. One of the important results is to achieve more consistency between your vigilance activities and your inner spirit, helping you to feel more secure in your life. Your sense of being on the right track will be repeated, and the energy will flow around you. Such insight allows you to deal with the difficulties in a quiet and more mindful manner. It also allows you to engage in the joys of life more easily and more fully.

 Use meditation to invoke a dream

Once you establish a flexible connection to your dream world, you can begin to use dreams as a regular part of your problem-solving strategy. Calling a dream can involve asking a very specific question or it can be general. For example, if you're looking for a new job, you might call a dream that describes the best working environment, the best place to go, or the best people to work with. General questions call for very emotional dreams. You may have a specific question like "What car should I buy?" And your subconscious mind can reveal some important details that affect your decision.

Call a certain dream

1. Think about your question. Type it.

2. When you are ready to go to sleep, meditate for several minutes.

3. Start your workout as usual.

4. While relaxing, bring the question to your mind. Imagine the words and repeat the question aloud several times.

5. Complete your duties as usual.

When you begin to immortalize, bring the question to your mind again. Make sure you remember the dreams you see when you wake up.

You will see dreams in your sleep, and the dreams you see will have to do with your question. Your dream relationship may not be clear at first. You can use the exercises in this chapter to re-enter the dream to explain the answer to your question. You may have to try for several nights to get a clear answer. The more you practice this technique, the more answers you will find, and the more you will be enriched with the symbols, characters and events that bring you into your dreams.


Because meditation addresses your entire consciousness, it is a great tool that can help you understand your dreams. Those messages that appear from the less conscious side of your mind can be better understood when your mind is calm, and meditation gives you this desired calm. In addition to this, you can learn to reach the meaning of your dreams more easily through meditation.

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