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Diabetes-Friendly Diet: 10 Foods that Control Blood Sugar Naturally

Balancing the blood sugar levels is by far the hardest task your body has to undergo, and it is very essential to do so because high blood sugar levels can prove severely fatalistic. The higher and chronic your blood sugar levels get, the more toxins your body is exposed to. They can cause some very serious and severe health issues, for instance, type 2 diabetes, disorder in blood vessels and body organs, dialysis, nerve damage, possible blindness, erectile dysfunction and developing issues that lead to a heart attack. There is no exaggeration in the fact that you need to take optimum care in helping your body regulate your blood sugar levels in order to stay fit and healthy.

Now, as hard as it may seem, a healthy, nutrition packed diet can fix any ailment your body may be struggling with. If your sugar levels are uncontrollable, all you need is the right kind of foods to regulate them.

Let's take a look at the most potent and effective foods that naturally lower and regulate your blood sugar levels!


1. Vinegar

Vinegar is a great remedy to lower down insulin and blood sugar levels, along with filling up your stomach with a high carbohydrate diet. Scientific evidence reveals that people who accompany their meals with a vinegar beverage have a healthier insulin profile and stable blood sugar levels after eating.

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For those who are pre-diabetic, vinegar can really work some magic on their health as compared to those with normal insulin sensitivity. However, you must stay away from balsamic vinegar as it is loaded with sugar, and stick to white and apple cider vinegar.

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