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Help Your Wife after Vaginal Rejuvenation

Been through a vaginal rejuvenation must be not easy with your loved wife. Even though the procedures are well done, it is very important for you as a husband to give her your supports at this time. Never ignore possible risks and complications of the treatment because they may seriously affect your wife’s health and mental sense.

What could happen after vaginal rejuvenation?

It may be good for her that she could have back the feeling like when she was young, but it does not mean that she will not have to suffer some external consequences.

After treatment, there are chances that your wife may have minor discomfort caused by bruising and swelling in the first days.

 Her feelings, and maybe even yours, somehow still cannot get used to it at first. The renew one may also have an impact on the way you and your wife get close with each other, it can be a little awkward here, right?

 It may take time and a little effort from two of you to accommodate to this new feeling. Do not worry as they are just normal reactions we can get after any treatment. Knowing about these effects help you to have a preparation and not to be so confused about this situation.

Caring tips

Some side effects can be controlled by medication, just remember to remind her following doctor’s advice. After the treatment, it is necessary to keep the body rest for about a week before getting back to work. 

And you both should wait for one month until you start to think about getting back to sexual intercourse, that is for the treated areas to be fully healed.

All through the recovery time, it is very important to do everything under instructions. She should wear comfy clothes, take more care of the drains, take antibiotics to prevent infection if required, and reduce activities that are not safe. The results of this procedure are mostly permanent, but in some cases a considerable change in your weight or the next time your wife has a pregnancy, the result may not maintain. So even if the treatment is over, you should take notice of your body and set up a plan to check your condition with your surgeon periodical.

The best advice is you two should talk openly about your feelings and your concerns. Sometimes she may not able to wait for the results right after taking the procedure, do not hesitate to help her understand how long it takes for the recovery to be completed. By following exactly the instruction, your wife can keep herself from getting infections and speed up the recovery time.

 Women are always more sensitive than we think, so, you now play an important part in helping and support her so that she could feel comfortable and no stress.

Vaginal rejuvenation is just one in many ways that a woman wants to do to refresh herself and feel more confident, to beat against the aging process. Once she has done that to maintain beauty and family’s happiness, there is no reason that you won’t do a thing to support your loved wife through her recovery time so both of you can enjoy the times being together from now on.

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