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21. Asian pears

Asian pears have 10 g of fibers that lower cholesterol level-the fibers make up 40% of daily recommended need. A study was conducted on Baltimore adults who consumed fibers a lot and it helped in lowering their LDL level of cholesterol. Surprisingly, these people also had low body-mass index. Dice them into your fruit and cheese salads or prepare some desserts using them.

One simple recipe we have is: add core of pears in saucepan with a cup of white wine, 1 tsp of honey, 1 tsp of grated ginger and water to dip the pears completely. Simmer for 40 minutes and your delicious dessert is ready to be enjoyed.

Benefits of Pears Weight Loss

22. Eggs

You will be surprised to know that yolks of eggs are storehouses of hundreds of nutrients that are essential yet are not readily available. They include choline, found in liver, leafy greens and sea-foods; and it functions by lowering the risk of breast cancer and by providing antioxidants which prevent cataract and macular degeneration. Scientific evidence for egg to be a cause behind heart diseases is very less and eggs are actually healthier than harmful in effect. So, there’s no need to leave out eggs from your diet plan. People who have some heart problem should reduce egg yolk intake to two per week as latest research has shown that egg yolk does not raises the risk of heart attack. Prepare an omelet with a whole egg and two whites, and check out your cholesterol level during other meals.

Egg White Recipes for Weight Loss

23. Apples

An apple a day keeps the doctor away isn’t a myth and it really is the healthiest fruit for your daily routines. Health Study conducted on 34,000 Iowa Women, who were having healthy habits for about 20 years, revealed apples to be part of their daily diet; and they were found to be instrumental in reduction of the risk of heart ailments in women passing through post-menopausal phase. Apples are influential against lung cancer and type-2-diabetes and they assist in weight loss too. Apple pies aren’t healthy as apples are mixed up with flour, sugar and butter. Make fruit salads as afternoon delight and enjoy a healthier you.


Acid in Apple

24. Guava

South Americans are blessed with the tropical fruit of guava that is an amazing source of vitamin C. A cup of guava has 5 times more vitamin C than oranges-which is 5 times greater than your standard daily need. It has 26 percent greater amount of lycopene which is instrumental in lowering risks of heart strokes. In Bangladesh, guava provides a protection against food-borne pathogenic compounds like staph and Listeria. Other than guava juice, you can have guava smoothie with a blend of bananas, strawberries, soy milk and ice cubes.

Guava Plant Care

25. Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate lovers can continue to enjoy it as its actually healthy because of its possession of flavonoid antioxidants (triple the amount present in 1 milk chocolate). They prevent clogging of arteries as they stop platelets from joining together. A Denmark research declared it as healthy and satiating food for weight-loss diet plans. Researcher, primarily, provided the 16 participants with starters as 100g of dark chocolate or milk chocolate. After about two hours, participants were offered a pizza and results concluded that those who had dark chocolate were less interested in consumption of salty and fatty foods and consumed 15 percent lesser calories than the other group. 2 tbsp of dark chocolate crushed or chopped can be eaten with berries as a dessert and it will not exceed your calorie limits.

26. Fat-free Milk (Organic)

Amazingly enough, studies have shown that Calcium is not just helping in your bone health but it fights against extra fats, too. University of Tennessee conducted a research with people who had low-calories intake with calcium-rich foods and those who ate less food than the required amount. The former category people succeeded in losing 70% more weight than the latter one.

Vitamin D intake along with milk (i.e. non-skimmed milk) proves to be a perfect combination as it helps in absorption of calcium by body and other superpowers it posses are relieve from back-bone pain, prevention from depression, lowered risk of certain types of cancer and of heart diseases. Not just in your coffee or tea but add it in your cereals and have it in your dinner to get your daily need of 1000+ IU of Vitamin D (recommended by Harvard Researchers) accomplished.

Is drinking milk healthy for humans

27. Salmon

Salmon fish, whether baked or grilled, is exceptionally good for health as its rich in vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids. The fatty acids not only prevent you from heart diseases but also help you in maintenance of smoother skin. Moreover, it’s beneficial for weight loss and acts against effects of arthritis. Yet unfortunately, we are deficient in essential nutrients despite availability of such tasty and healthy sources. Omega-3’s slow down the rate of digestion which results in feeling of satisfaction for an extended time-period and thus it keeps you from consuming extra calories.

Benefits of Wild Salmon


28. Peanut Butter

Your favorite peanut butter is included in the list of superstars of food world. It has magnesium to strengthen bones, B6 to improve immune functions and some other vitamins and minerals essential for our body. Fiber in high quantity and protein content help you stay satiated for hours, so it is instrumental in your weight-loss plan. It has monounsaturated fats that will get you rid of diabetes. Crunchy peanut butter has more fiber than creamy one.

Peanut Butter and Weight Loss

29. Popcorn

Movie without popcorns is incomplete and popcorns aren’t just for those on diet. They have anti-inflammatory antioxidants which alleviate you from health problems like heart attacks, stress and depression. Pop corns can help you attain your daily need of whole grains. Microwaved popcorns are just unhealthy trash filled with chemicals, salt, extra-butter and definitely calories. Have raw kernels and pop them on stove in a popper for healthy, non-processed grain foods.

Does popcorn have any health benefits

30. Oysters

They are nature’s miracles carrying minerals like zinc and iron. Zinc is necessary for health of DNA and development of fetus while iron is part of hemoglobin in blood. Iron deficiency can cause headaches, exhaustion and other problems. 1 raw oyster has 3 milligram of iron.

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