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31. Mushrooms

Mushrooms are vital for lowering cholesterol level and slowing down growth of tumors and cancerous cells, reveals American Cancer Society.

They increase interferon proteins which fight viruses of hepatitis. They have less calorie count for those on diet. Just cook well their cell walls as they can be indigestible for your stomach.

Mushroom Diet

32. Chia seeds

Chia seeds are good sources of proteins and other fibers. They have omega-3’s and various antioxidants along with minerals like calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc which are important for health. They control hunger, so they are definitely vital ingredients in diet plans. Add them a little into smoothies, yogurt, cereals, salads or baking stuff.

Chia Seeds Stomach Pain

33. Chicken breast

In roasted form, it’s preferred a lot and in terms of their nutritious abilities, they are low in calories and high in proteins. They provide phosphorus, which is essential for strength of your bones and teeth. High BP levels can be controlled as it possesses vitamin B3, which stops arteries from getting stiff and rigid. Only a single serving of chicken breast will leave you with normal and maximized brain and immune functions.


Oven Chicken Recipes Breast

34. Kale

Kale is one dark, leafy green vegetable that comes in the list of healthy foods prepared by experts. It has vitamin A, vitamin K and vitamin C and other minerals such as iron, potassium, magnesium, and calcium. You can consume them with soups, salads and smoothies.

Red Kale Health Benefits

35. Lemon

Other than vitamin C, flavonoids with anti-cancerous qualities are also present in lemons. They are found instrumental in maintaining weight and helping in digestion process. You can squeeze a lemon in your tea or daily drinking water. They can help your skin look clearer and healthier.

36. Oranges

Oranges are loaded with folate and vitamin C. They possess vitamin B1 and A along with potassium, which help in maintenance of vision and immunity.

Oranges have special ingredient i.e. pectin, which absorbs and sucks in unhealthy cholesterol from whichever foods you are consuming. It is significant in neutralization of galectin-3, which does damage to heart by scarring the tissues, according to a research done in United Kingdom.

Is Orange Juice Fattening

37. Russet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are famous but russet potatoes have a unique quality of providing more benefit to your body. They give you more beta carotene, folate, potassium, phosphorus and niacin. They have low sugar and sodium components. These qualities are self-explanatory of their extra-beneficial properties.

Potato Weight Loss

38. Quinoa

It’s always part of super-foods list because it introduces you with complete protein package i.e. provision of all 9 essential amino-acids. It helps in digestion process and is a natural multivitamin tablet with all the minerals from iron, potassium, magnesium and calcium to folate. Replace meat with it for greater benefits.


Healthy Food Quinoa

39. Wine

The antioxidants of wine assuage high cholesterol level, and work towards healthy blood vessels for improved heart functions. Resveratrol blocks out growth and development of fatty cell layers and it also regulates sugar level of blood. But drinking wine in moderate amount is necessary so recommended need makes its consumption to be around 1-2 glasses a week.

Is drinking alcohol good for you

40. Pumpkin

Pumpkins have beta carotene, which is converted to retinol by your body. Now, what does retinol do? It regulates health of your skin and is vital for immunal functions and vision. Seeds of pumpkin possess phytosterols, which fight against increased prostrate size. Seeds can be roasted and then salted for consumption while the flesh of pumpkin can be enjoyed in smoothies and pancake forms.

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