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Review your menu according to these superstar foods in the world of nutrition.

Super-Healthy Foods for Your Active Day

These foods claim conceitedly of their superpowers that include: prevention from chronic and common diseases of present times like cancer, diabetes, heart attacks and other heart problems; strengthening of your immune system; protection from skin problems by getting you a smoother skin; helping you in maintenance of weight-height balance; and helping you lose weight in case of obesity. They do seem to be great and unbelievable claims but remember that your food has got solution to all your problems. You are what you eat.

Best Meal Plan for Women's Weight Loss

If these foods are already part of your daily routine, then, you must be benefiting from them a lot. Your health is important, so count on these 50 super foods to a smarter and healthier lifestyle.

1. Lychee

A study in France experimented and observed all fruits and found lychee to be standing at second-highest point for possessing heart-healthy polyphenols. They are vital compounds against degenerative cancerous diseases. You can add lychee to fries on kebabs made of chicken to add a sour-sweet taste of grapes to them.

Lychee Berry

2. Tomatoes

Red and juicy tomatoes are excellent health experts in themselves. Overlooking the personification, they really are magical in their effects as they protect you against heart problem and breast cancer with the help of an antioxidant, lycopene. They are rich in vitamin A, E and C and prevent you from pancreatic cancer. Instead of taking tomato sauce, spaghetti sauce, eat them in raw form or coat them with garlic powder, pepper, salt and olive oil and bake them for 20 minutes. The baked tomatoes can be served along with chicken.


What do tomatoes do for you

3. Pomegranates

Pomegranates are connected to health of heart as well as mind. Polyphone of pomegranate, according to recent research, assists arterial wall in contraction and relaxation to maintain a continuous blood flow in body and prevents stiffness of walls. Another research says that their antioxidants are functional in terms of infection removal, specifically, in Alzheimer’s disease. Not just the seeds but the pith has fruitful and healthy compounds for you so enjoy a bit of pith too.

Pomegranate Weight Loss

4. Bananas

A good potassium source is bananas. Potassium is a macro-nutrient which maintains BP and nervous system functioning to the optimal level. Banana has 450 milligrams of potassium, which makes up only 10% of our daily need. It possesses fibers, too, for normal functioning of stomach.

Banana Heart Health

5. Onions

Onions have double power of polyphenols,, unlike garlic, and have flavonoids. These powers work together to lower stress and risk for developing cancer. Onion has properties that act against diabetes and heart disease. Chromium in onions regulates sugar level in your body.

6. Beans

Beans are perfect foods for a diet, as they are sources of nutrients and fibers. A cup of cooked beans provide 17 g of fibers. They’re over-loaded with nutrients like calcium, magnesium, potassium and proteins.

They decrease your risk for heart problems, type 2 diabetes, breast cancer, high BP and colon cancer. Latest recommended weekly dose is about three cups of beans. Keep shifting from black and white beans to kidney beans by adding them in salads; by using them in veggie chili sandwich spreads; and by stuffing them in baked potatoes.

Black Beans Weight Loss

7. Nuts

You only have to take 1 ½ ounces of nuts each day according to USDA researchers. They, too, reduce the risk of diabetes and heart problems. Walnuts have omega-3, hazelnuts have arginine (lowers BP), and almonds have polyphenols (significant for heart’s health for lowering cholesterol). But, nuts have lots of calories so have them in moderate amount. Have mixed nuts chopped up in a jar to be sprinkled on deserts, salads, yogurt and cereals.

Best Nuts for Losing Weight

8. Edamame and tofu

Soy is no-more a panacea but endamame has maintained its vitality as a super ingredient in diet plans. Soy milk, endamame and tofu fight against heart ailments and problems when they become a replacement for unsaturated fatty meat, cheese and other saturated fats. Soy supplies polyunsaturated fats, fibers and vitamins to the body. Soy carries isoflavones and plant estrogens which act against cancerous cells in breasts. Andrew Weil, who is advisor of Prevention believes that soy’s plant estrogen bind up with estrogen receptors in human body and doesn’t allow normal human estrogen to function properly. But it’s suggested that whole soy foods should be taken instead of processed soy powder foods that include chips, patties etc. Beware of supplements of soy as it may contain dangerous levels of isoflavones.


Soy Seeds Benefits

9. Oatmeal

Oats also possess the miraculous quality to fight heart diseases, according to FDA research 10 years ago. A recent research added about oat’s ability to lower your risk of getting type-2 diabetes. Finnish researchers conducted research on 4,316 people for about 10 years and understood that people having cereal fibers each day lowered their risk of getting type-2 diabetes by 61 percent. Required amount is consumption of half cup of unsweetened oatmeal cereal. You can have them as topping of fruit, yogurt and your breakfast cereal.

Are Oats Good for You

10. Flaxseed

Flaxseeds are potent source of omega-3’s which prevent you from budding heart problems by 46% because it stops clustering of blood cells to form blood clots. A tablespoon of flaxseeds (10 g) per day provides protection against breast cancer by improving the ratio of protective chemicals to promoting chemicals in your blood. 1– 2 tbsp of flaxseed sprinkled on cereals, yogurt and salads can be a great option for healthy and safe life.

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