Avocadoes are smooth and buttered fruits which are good source of MUFAs. Avocadoes, when inculcated in salads and salsas, heighten the absorption rate of a type of carotenoids, which reduce and allay the threat of heart problems and macular degeneration of eyes, which can lead to blindness.
Elizabeth Somer, who is author of 10 Habits That Mess Up A Woman’s Diet, declares about the powers and potency of avocados by revealing that they are heavily loaded with vitamin E, folate, soluble fibers, potassium (protective-for-heart compounds). Like nuts, they possess a lot of calories so replace avocadoes with cheese or mayo to balance the calorie count of your day.
Is Avocado Acidic
12. Olive Oil
Mono-unsaturated fats (MUFA’s) are healthy for heart. They are present in olive oil in abundance. They control bad “LDL” and improve good “HDL” of cholesterol. Moreover, the antioxidants are defensive against cancer and Alzheimer’s. You can use it for baking or roasting; for sauté or shallow frying; for marinating and adding flavor to bread in dinner etc.
Can you Cook with Olive Oil
13. Broccoli
Life-threatening diseases are a myth in front of broccoli and it’s disease-fighting cousins, according to a research by John Hopkins. A study was conducted on 6,100 people, where 26% risk of catching a deadly disease was reduced among people who consumed four broccoli, cauliflower or cabbage serving per week. Steaming broccoli is necessary as it gets rid of sulforaphane, which can be harmful.
Allergic to Broccoli
14. Spinach
Popeye loved spinach for his super powers probably for a reason! It builds macular muscles and prevents blindness; and its lutein, the yellow pigment, clears up arterial walls of cholesterol, which consequently prevents you from heart attacks. Spinach contains iron, which helps in transfer of oxygen to cells and provides them energy. It has folate and B vitamins which function against birth defects. Cooked spinach is better than raw one, so have a few cooked spinach servings every week.
Spinach Heart Health
15. Greek Yogurt (Organic)
Yogurt is beneficial in terms of being a great source of calcium and immune-strengthening bacteria. Why you should be choosing Greek Yogurt? Because it’s a bargain as Greek yogurt has got double the amount of protein (unfortunately 25 percent women above the age of 40 aren’t getting enough). Oikos Organic yogurt has about 90 calories, 15 g proteins for only 5.3 ounce of Greek yogurt serving.
16. Garlic
Garlic is heroic in its actions along with onion for containing 70 active phyto-chemicals which include allicin (it decreases high BP by 30 points). Garlic protects against villainous ovarian, colorectal cancers, reveals a research of American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
Garlic has been shown to prevent against cold according to a research involving 146 people who had garlic extract for twelve weeks. Allicin, basically, fights against infections and bacteria. Another 2007 study reveals a secret to healthier garlic: you need to crush the garlic cloves and keep them for half-an-hour before heating them, so that all the protective compounds for health of heart are activated and preserved.
Garlic Cloves Health Benefits
17. Sweet potatoes
Sweet potatoes are among the foods with abundant amount of beta-carotene which can help in maintenance of respiratory, urinary and intestinal tract lining along with maintenance of your vision and skin. Only a half cup of sweet potato supplies with 80% of vitamin A with just 130 calories. Replace your French fries with baked form of sweet potatoes and you will love them.
Is there sugar in potatoes
18. Red Peppers
Citric fruits are famous for possessing vitamin C but red peppers are most rich source of vitamin C. The vitamin is functionally beneficial for skin and immune system. UK researchers observed intake of vitamin C by 4,025 women and it led to lesser wrinkles and dryness. The vitamin can help you recover from cold and flu faster. Finnish researchers experimented with men having low consumption of vitamin C and found them to be 2.4 times more prone to strokes. Researcher in Australia established another fact that antioxidants in red peppers help in reduction of knee-pain and thus, they protect against arthritis.
Calories in a red bell pepper
19. Figs
Figs have double the amount of potassium found in a single banana; and surprisingly 6 figs, in total, have 891 mg of BP controlling mineral–which covers only 20% of your daily need. A study in Netherlands discovered that diets high-in-potassium mineral lead to decreased death rate from diseases in adults of age 56 and older. Figs are perfect sources of calcium as well. You can serve figs by adding chopped figs in yogurt, salads, and oatmeal cereals.
How to eat dried figs for weight loss
20. Blueberries
Blueberries are delicacies, which, in essence, defy aging process and are stuffed with antioxidants. Cornell University experimented with 25 fruits to check their potency based on their compounds and found wild blueberries to be having most absorbable antioxidants. Blue berries in diet plans help against urinary tract infections, eyestrains, and memory loss. Ronald Prior, who is professor of food science in Fayetteville at the University of Arkansas, suggests half a cup of blueberries is a recommended dose for daily diet.
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