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Why The Most Popular Weight Loss Supplement Is Completely Overrated?
Feel like taking care of your body? But how you should do it? What properties you look for, when you think about starting a new supplement? Well, those supplements that help you achieve your fitness goal and make leaner and stronger, fulfills your need of vitamins and minerals, are the best kind of supplements that you need.
Following are the list of popular supplements that a women can use for losing weight, building and recovering muscles. These supplements are safe from severe side effects but still one should consult their doctor before taking them.
Weight Loss Supplements
Have a look at different lists, as we have separated the medicines according to your body fitness goal.
1. CLA
CLA is an abbreviation for “Conjugated Linoleic Acids”. These are the Trans fats that occurs naturally in small amounts in beef and dairy foods. Many studies states that CLA causes natural weight loss, and quite a number of studies states that it doesn’t have any effect on weight.
Dr. Mike states that there should be more and more researches are required on CLA to back the build-up. He told to the magazine that in spite of very promising and exciting animal studies, CLA has come up very less in transporting weight loss results in humans.
2- Thermogenic
Just as the name suggests, these supplements are supposed to increase the production of heat in the body that increases your metabolic rate because it is directly connected to increased heart rate. One of the popular and most common thermogenic supplement is caffeine.
According to the recent detailed studies, caffeine is great for starting the metabolism. In order for the thermogenic supplements to work, you must have great willpower, and train yourself by doing few laps and calling it a day won’t help you shed pounds, and this is what people don’t get it. Plus it also has several side effects. If you decide to go for thermogenic, just sure that you drink a lot of water and take a lot of rest because your body is going to work too hard. And make sure that you know about the active thermogenic ingredient in your supplement. Few years back, there was a popular thermogenic supplement, named as Ephedra, was banned by FDA, because it may cause injury or illness and it could be harmful.
3. Green Tea Extract
If we talk from thermogenic side that green tea is a thermogenic supplement that increases your body temperature as well as your metabolic rate. But despite being a good thermogenic supplement, it also has a strong weapon, Catechin. Catechin is a natural chemical substance found in green tea that attributes to weight loss.
4. Protein Powder
Protein powders are simple, fast and easiest way to have instant boost of energy before or after workout sessions. In fact, protein powder can be used in breakfast smoothie, or for snack in the evening, because proteins are the most important factors that aids in weight loss.
Different Whey Protein Powders
5. Carbs
There are some complex carbs, which are as essential as normal proteins, required to build muscles and for the speedy recovery of post-workout cramps. These two go hand in hands because without carbs your will pull all the stored proteins it has, to provide energy to the body. Unfortunately, our bodies cannot tell the difference between already stored proteins in your body and the proteins you just ate. So this is the reason you need to feed yourself some complex carbs.
6. Glutamine
Glutamine is the most common amino acid that is found in the body that transports nitrogen all over the body. When workout either in gym or by yourself, your muscles weaken or temporarily rip and break down. During that period, glutamine levels in your body are exhausted and decreases your stamina, strength and recovery time. When you take glutamine supplements, this decreases the after workout rebuild period and aids your muscles to recover quickly.
Our body finds branch chain amino acids (BCAA) from proteins we get from the food we eat. These branch chain amino acids helps in treating many diseases and disorders. Athletes use BCAAs to reduce muscle breakdown and to even excite muscle growth.
8. Vitamin C
Vitamin C is a great immunity booster that acts as a natural antihistamine, and reduces allergies and cold symptoms. It is powerful enough to fight cancer cells and strong antioxidants protects healthy cells and their DNA from mutation and free radicals. As it boosts the immune system, it helps in strengthening the first line defence of the body.
9. Calcium
More than 3% of the people are not getting enough amount of calcium on daily basis, especially if you are shedding pounds. This is because, an active body needs more essential nutrients than an inactive one. Calcium increases the density of the bones and makes them stronger. It also help with high blood pressure and OMS symptoms.
10. Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Omega-3 fatty acids are not only beneficial for weight loss but they also reduces high cholesterol levels in the body, regulates blood pressure, and aids in heart diseases etc. These fatty acids are not produced by the body itself but you need to get them from foods like fatty fishes, green veggies or vegetable oils. Omega-3 fatty acids can also be taken through fish oil supplements.
Heartburn is one of the most common illness nowadays. Almost every individual must have suffered from heartburn that causes burning sensation in throat and chest. It is also accompanied by a slightly nasty taste in mouth. Fatty and spicy foods are chiefly responsible for heartburn and its symptoms include dry cough, sour liquid or regurgitating food, difficulty in swallowing and sore throat. This disease must be treated timely in order to avoid any negative impact on your health. 5 things are accountable for worsening or triggering your heartburn. Try to avoid these things if you are suffering from heartburn.
1. Two much drinking at night
If you are in a habit of drinking at night then it will be harmful for your health. Alcohol effects pressure on lower esophageal sphincter and also effects saliva and thus increases heartburn. Tobacco is also dangerous under this condition. Both tobacco and alcohol have dehydrating properties that reduces the quantity of saliva in mouth. Saliva is helpful in clearing acid in stomach and the acid will come back into throat if there is inadequate saliva.
2. Consuming a lot of caffeinated drinks and foods
Chocolate, tea, and coffee are among the most commonly used caffeinated drinks and foods. All these are responsible for relaxing sphincter muscle that is located in esophagus. This muscle helps in blocking stomach acid so that it may not come back into throat. You will get heartburn if you are regularly consuming 2-3 cups of iced tea or coffee.
3. Eating too much at night
Eating a lot of food at night can be much damaging if you are apt to heartburn. It is advisable to avoid eating too much at night, especially 2 hours before going to bed. Acid simply moves back to esophagus when you sleep on your stomach, back or side. Such a situation is really uncomfortable.
4. Constant gum chewing
If you love to chew peppermint gum, then you have to quit this habit because it can have severe influence on your health. Peppermint will relax your sphincter muscles and keep it away from stomach acid. Try to avoid all the foods or drinks that contain peppermint because they will boost your heartburn.
5. Consuming too much food
Body begins digestion immediately after you have consumed any food. Digestion will result in discharging stomach acid. Your body will take more time to transfer that food and stomach acid towards the small intestines. In this way, body is unable to discharge all the acid into intestines. There is maximum possibility that a little quantity of this acid will ooze from stomach and enter esophagus.
This is the complete list of 5 things that will trigger or increase heartburn. Avoid these things if you want to protect yourself from this illness. Simply avoid all these things and get rid of heartburn.
Brushing one’s teeth after every meal, and flossing once before hitting the bed at night, is one of the most essential rituals for an active and effective dental health regime. However, if you fail to take out time to brush your tongue, or worse, brush your teeth multiple times every day, you seriously need to learn about the dire consequences of failing to adopt the healthy habit of daily tongue brushing.
Our mouth is home to over 700 different bacterial species, and even though not of all these bacteria are harmful, most of them are capable of turning into deadly viruses. And once these bad bacteria are allowed to make home in one’s mouth, they coat up your tongue and begin multiplying their production on the surface of your tongue, and in the crevices lining your papillae.
Back of Tongue Bad Breath
They begin spreading towards your teeth to cause serious toothaches, small bumps and other seriously damaging ailments that are both, painful and embarrassing. Your taste buds can lose their ability to sense the delicious taste of your favourite means, or worse, tiny sores and bumps can emerge on the surface of your tongue, making it unbearable to eat or drink. And if you’re a regular coffee/tea drinker or a chain smoker, the consequences of not brushing your teeth will only worsen.
It’s extremely easy for the tongue to come in contact with bacteria and allow it to spread it to the rest of the mouth and teeth because the tongue is very much like a sponge, which absorbs and spreads everything it comes in contact with. Therefore, if you allow this bacteria to emerge and spread, it will cause serious mouth diseases and ailments.
So, if you don’t want to end up in the dentist’s clinic, with your mouth wide open and sterilized silver equipment being rammed down your throat, take a look at these horrid tongue conditions to encourage yourself to brush your tongue multiple times every day.
Here, take a look:
1. Unresponsive Taste Buds
When we don’t brush our tongue for prolonged periods of time, it gets covered up food particles, bacteria and dead skin cells, known as biofilm, which coat up our taste buds, and reduce our sense of taste. If your taste buds have been feeling overly dull and unresponsive, chances are that your tongue has been covered with biofilm and requires some gently scrubbing and rinsing to help make your meals delicious again.
2. Halitosis
If you’re constantly struggling with bad breadth problems, research reveals that it has A LOT to do with your negligence at brushing your tongue. You see, when we refrain from brushing our tongue for prolonged periods of time, bacteria settles on the surface of or tongue and expanding its growth beyond control and until the point where it has spread to your entire mouth.
Naturally, a mouth filled with bacteria is bound to reek of a horridly foil odour. Studies support the fact that the bugs and bacteria that cause this foul odour are always located at the back of your tongue, which is why dentists always stress the practices of brushing the back of one’s tongue to eliminate all the bugs and bacteria that might be residing down there.
Bad Breath Balls
3. Hairy & Black Tongue
Very few people have heard about or experienced this rare tongue condition, however, it’s extremely easy to acquire and very painful to live with. It can easily develop if your teeth and tongue is constantly getting stained with leftover food particles and remains of the drinks and meals that you devour, particularly nicotine, spinach and coffee.
Regardless of how many efforts we put in cleaning our teeth and making them spotless white, there will always be traces of tiny stains and food particles that will hide themselves and evade our toothbrush.
How to Remove Black Spots from Tongue
When the papillae on our tongue repeatedly gets stained from drink particles, like tea and coffee, along with the particles that we can’t brush away, the tongue begins to turn abnormally furry and black. The good news is, this condition is absolutely harmless, and it will vanish as soon as you start brushing your tongue regularly.
4. Yeast infection
A yeast infection that occurs within the mouth is called an oral rush, and it occurs when the bacteria levels present within your mouth reach an alarmingly uncontrollable rate. This usually happens when you don’t brush your tongue for a long period of time, as it allows the yeast to grow unchecked and beyond control.
A yeast infection can be spotted by the occurrence of white patches on the surface of your tongue. Doctors usually treat it with antifungal medicines, and if you want to prevent it, you must brush your tongue every single day.
Fungal Tongue Infection
5. Periodontal disease
When the bacteria accumulated on the surface of your tongue travels towards your teeth, if triggers several dental ailments, primarily gum inflammation, red gums or even gingivitis. If these dental ailments are allowed to grow unchecked and untreated, the inflammation tends to grow out into a severe periodontal disease.
A periodontal disease refers to the condition where the gums begin to pull away from the teeth, and the space they leave open gets infected. This excruciatingly painful condition can cause your teeth to fall out, and even worse is the fact that chronic periodontal inflammation alarmingly increases your risk for developing heart strokes, attacks, and even miscarriages.
Who Treats Gum Disease
If you feel scared and upset with all these scary dental ailments, just grab your toothbrush and start scrubbing your tongue because it’s never too late to start a good preventive care regime.
Brush it Right
In order to make sure your tongue is clean and bacteria-free, you must learn the right way of brushing it. Take your brush and start gently scrubbing your tongue from the back, and very lightly, bring it towards the front. Then, brush out each side one after the other, and if using toothpaste makes you feel uncomfortable, feel free to use none.
However, using toothpaste offers a good cleanse that will keep your tongue hydrated and clean. Be sure to repeat this tongue-cleaning strategy at least twice a day.
Tongue Tools
You can actually invest in tongue cleaning tools found at all local drug stores and pharmacy. These are called the tongue scrapers, which have been ideally designed to get rid of all bacteria, food remains and all kinds of gunk that may have retained itself on your tongue.
Even though a regular toothbrush can also do the trick, a fancy tongue scraper is a good pick if you want to make your tongue-cleaning regime much more effective and fun.
Having a proper and right meal can reduce the risk of developing cancer. There is a huge similarity between the nutrition guidelines of cancer prevention and other diseases like diabetes and heart disease etc.
By following these general health tips; one can reduce the chances of cancer. You just need to do a little bit change in your food choices.
1. Keep a Healthy Weight
Overweight or obesity is one of the reasons among many other reasons of cancer-related deaths. It has been estimated that there is always at least one case among every other five cases where a person dies of cancer and the reason for cancer used to be overweight but the thing which is still unclear is that the relation between cancer and obesity is still undiscovered.
The general theory which most of the doctors think can be a reason is weight in the stomach is mostly connected with an additional risk of colorectal cancer, cancers of pancreas, uterus and even breast postmenopausal women.
Surgical Weight Loss
There are many other cancers as well which are related to overweight. Some of them are:
2. Limit Calorie-Dense, Nutrient-Deficient Foods
Stop taking such fruits and drinks which have a very high proportion of sugar and calories but not enough nutrients. Unfortunately, every such product which has too much sugar and calories as well are very much common among everyone which should be avoided at first. These foods include sugar-sweetened beverages, ready mate snack foods, and desserts.
The calories very quickly add with these type of calorie-enriched foods and hence can lead to putting on weight and so becomes a reason for cancer. So we should avoid such foods and try some healthful and cancer-preventive foods.
Small Cell Lung Cancer Diet
3. Eat Vegetables, Fruits, Whole Grains and Legumes
Start adding too much of fruits and vegetables in your diet. Have different kinds of beans at least twice a week, as it reduces the risk of lung, oral, esophageal, stomach and colon cancer. Eat all such foods which are full of nutrients. At least eat half plate vegetables and fruits, half plate whole grains.
Include beans and peas in your meal as well, some people considered them as a vegetable whereas some of them counted it as a part of the USDA MyPlate Protein Foods Group. Having a meal which totally plant-based foods helps is in maintain weight and If we will eat healthy then too we can spend a healthy and fruitful life.
4. Moderate Your Meat Portions
Some studies suggest that there a link between colon cancer and eating too much of red meat, especially the processed one like ham, bacon and hot dogs. As there is a very famous saying “Excess of Everything is bad” so is the case here with red meat. Having meat twice a week is quite fine but eating meat on daily basis is not at all a good practice.
Try to include plant-based sources in your diet, it is a great source of proteins. Include beans, whole grains, and vegetables more often in your diet plan. It is something which your body really needs and is necessary for a healthy body and life.
Health Benefits of Eating Meat
5. Limit Alcohol
There are certain researches which have proved that any type of alcoholic drink is injurious to your health and increases the risk of many types of cancer like cancer of the mouth, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, liver, breast, colon and rectum and the results are worse when it get combined with smoking. If you cannot avoid it completely then at least you should try to minimize the dosage of alcohol.
Women should not consume more than one drink on daily basis and men should not take more than two drinks. (Here the serving of alcohol which we are considering are considered 1½ fluid ounces of hard liquor, 5 fluid ounces of wine or 12 fluid ounces of beer.)
6. Consume Less Salt (Sodium)
There are many people who used to have a lot of salt-preserved, salt-cured and salt-pickled foods. Those people who used to have such food have a high risk of stomach, nasopharyngeal and throat cancers. Fortunately a good thing which has been revealed in the studies is that the salt which we used to add in cooking and food colors have such harmful hazards, but they increase the risk of high blood pressure and heart diseases as well that is the reason it is always recommended to reduce the intake of sodium in your daily life.
All the ready mate food products are very much enriched with sodium and so from there we consume sodium in our body rather than the salt we add in our food while cooking as a seasoning. Be careful while purchasing the processed food products and so read their labels as well so that you will be aware of the exact sodium content you intake.
According to the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, every person should reduce their sodium consumption to less than 2,300 milligrams of sodium a day (about 1 teaspoon of salt). People suffering from hypertension or prehypertension should further reduce their sodium intake to 1,500 milligrams a day.
Foods High in Testosterone
7. What about Supplements?
Whole foods are essential for reducing the risk of cancer, but supplements are not. Research claims that the interaction between nutrients is normally found in foods that offer a protective offer.
Nutrient-rich whole foods and beverages are a great source for cancer prevention and extremely good for health. If you want to take any sort of supplements then you should first consult your doctor or nutritionist
Staph infection is the infection caused by staphylococcus bacteria that is found on the skin or sometimes, in the nose of even healthy people as well. It is very common and sometimes, we do not have an idea that we can get affected. There is a 30% chance that these bacteria are living in your nose right at this moment.
Paul Fey, PhD, medical director of the University of Nebraska Medical Center’s microbiology section says that Staph or Staphylococcus Aureus (in full terms) are also known as “commensal microorganisms” because many times, they live on our skin without causing any harm.
He further explains that you can find these bacteria anywhere, on your skin, in your nose or even in your mucous membranes, for example your anus.
Staph Infection Symptoms, Causes & Treatment
Although these bacteria do not cause any harm if they are present in the areas where they normally live, but if they start spreading to the other areas, where they do not belong to, they can cause different kinds of infections and illnesses too. Fey says that there are different types of staph infections that show up in different ways.
Here are some of the symptoms of staph infection that you need to be aware of:
1. Skin Boils or Pustules
Fey says that the most common type of staph infection by far is pus filled or inflamed skin blemishes.
He explains that if you have a mosquito bite on your arm and a staph on your finger (that is there because you have been scratching or touching your nose too much), and you scratch that mosquito bite, or any other place where your skin is broken, the staph can infect your skin that then results in the formation of a big, red, painful, puss-filled blemish.
He says that it is quite common in the ER that people come in, thinking that they have got a big spider bite, whereas it is just a staph infection.
Symptoms of Pustular Psoriasis
He further explains that not only blemishes, you can also develop impetigo, that is a rash-like cluster of raised blisters.
2. Fever
Fever is also a symptom of staph infection in some cases. Fey says that this can happen usually in hospital settings when somebody is exposed to staph. For example, during surgery, staph can enter your bloodstream as well.
If the staph bacterium makes its way to your bloodstream, this can result in a blood infection also called bacteremia. This can initially cause fever and lower your blood pressure. The worst part is that once this gets into your bloodstream, it can reach your other organs as well, including your heart and bones and can result in severe conditions that can even cause death.
According to some resources from Mayo clinic, these conditions include pneumonia and also a bone infection known as osteomyelitis that causes pain, swelling and warmth in the area that is infected.
MRSA vs Staph
Bacteremia can also affect your heart and cause an infection of the lining of the heart. Some of the symptoms of this are fever, night sweats, muscle and joint pain, pale skin and nausea. As per the Texas Heart Institute, there are many other symptoms of this infection as well.
3. Food Poisoning
Another very common example of staph infection is food poisoning. According to CDC, when food is exposed to staph, it multiplies and grows in there, producing different toxins. These toxins are the reason behind your illness, vomiting, diarrhea and stomachache.
These symptoms usually start appearing after six hours. But, according to Fey, a very important thing that you need to know is that food poisoning caused by staph does not usually bring along fever.
If the food is cooked properly, it does kill the bacteria present in it, but not the toxins. To avoid the effect caused by these toxins, you need to take care that you are cooking in a hygienic environment and are handling your food with clean hands. Especially the food that you plan to put in the refrigerator so you can eat it later.
Stomach Ache Food Poisoning
4. Toxic Shock Syndrome
According to the US National Library of Medicine, if the toxins produced by staph start accumulating, they result in a specific type of blood poisoning known as toxic shock syndrome. This can cause a sudden fever, diarrhea, vomiting, headaches, muscle aches and a rash on your palms and the soles of your feet that resembles sunburn.
What the heck is MRSA?
Fey says that MRSA (pronounced as mer-sa) stands for “methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. As the name shows, in this condition, the staph has become strong enough that it gets resistant to antibiotic drugs, including a very common type, called methicillin.
In most of the cases of MRSA, the conditions are very similar to the other kinds of staph infections. He says that this means that you get boils or pustules in this case as well. But, MRSA can lead to serious conditions and deadly infections as well. In those conditions it gets really hard to treat MRSA as the bacteria are quite tough as well.
MRSA Urinary Tract Infection Treatment
Protect yourself
The effects caused by staph can be minor or major. They can be so serious that they can lead you to death. You need to protect yourself from any of these infections. You can do this by taking care of your hygiene. You must wash your hands every time, before eating, cooking or even touching food or before touching your broken or wounded skin. According to Fey this is the best way to avoid staph infection. You should also keep your broken or wounded skin away from anything that has a chance of having bacteria on it.
Intravenous Antibiotics for Staph Infection
Fey also says that it is very hard to spot a staph infection if you are not having any boils or pustules. This is because in many other health related issues, the conditions are quite similar to staph infection. You should always consult a doctor for the best advice instead of trying to figure it out yourself.
Yoga has proven highly effective for relieving and improving several pains and conditions related to arthritis, for instance, it can help you heal inflammation in joints, aching joints, stiff joints and all the other horrid symptoms that tend to accompany arthritis pain.
Most people assume that arthritis only takes place amongst elderly citizens, but research reveals that it is a chronic condition that can happen to anyone who lacks an adequate prevention regime, regardless of their age. Recent arthritis statistics reveal that amongst the 50 million the estimated arthritis patients in America, at least two-thirds happen to fall below the age of 65. Is that reason enough to panic and start a preventive care regime?
When arthritis tends to flare up and cause immense pain, the last thing the patients wants to do is stretch or perform exercises. But if you add some easy pain-relieving yoga poses to your daily schedule, you will experience groundbreaking results that will help heal quicker and effectively.
Also Read: 14 Home Remedies for Arthritis & Joint Pain
Dynamic yoga stretches are highly effective for arthritis patients as they help them enhance their range of motion, along with lubricating their joints that drive away the awful pain and stiffness that is a common symptom of arthritis. We’ve compiled a list of 7 stretches that will help you improve the four key joints responsible for creating movement and motions: the spine, thoracic, shoulders and hips.
Joint Pain and Inflammation Treatment
These seven stretches will help you improve your agility, flexibility and quality of movement along with relieving the pain of arthritis. When repeated every day, they will help you bring about a marked improvement in your life quality, and enhance your ability to perform everyday tasks and routine chores, along with performance sports, like tennis, swimming, dancing and more.
Here, take a look:
1. Hinge & Reach
A remarkable stretch for a good warm-up before starting your day, your workout session or any given sports activity, such as tennis, softball sports, badminton and all other recreational activities that involve a great deal of arm-swinging and throwing.
Hinge and Reach - Can Physical Therapy Help Arthritis
You begin by standing up straight, and placing your feet at a hip-width distance. Relax your arms to the side of your body, and make sure your palms are facing each other. Now very softly, bend your knees and elongate your spine so that your hips are hinged as you stretch your arms in the front and press your glutes backwards. Be sure to keep your arms at the height of your shoulders, and your palms facing each other as you perform the entire stretch.
Very slowly, thrust your hips forward and swing your arms behind your body and you bring yourself back to a standing position. Repeat this move at least 10 times for effective results.
2. Leg Swings
An amazing stretch that will allow you to energize your lower body regions, and if you have a daily routine of super-intensive gym workouts, hiking, trekking, cycling or running, these stretches can help you enhance your everyday performance and attain all your workout goals.
You begin by standing straight with your hands placed firmly on your hips, and your feet parted at a small distance. Now, balance your body weight on your left foot, and lift up your right heel with your right knee slightly bended. It’s alright to bend your right knee a little bit, but be sure to keep a fluid movement as you swiftly swing your right back and forth.
Leg Swings Pose - Exercise for RA Patients
Be sure to relax your knee and allow a natural bend-extend movement as your concentrate on this stretch. Keep your back straight, and repeat the stretch at least 10 times before trying it out on the other side.
3. Cat Cow
A superb yoga pose to help loosen up the knots in your upper back, along with helping you warm up for several sports and recreational activities, such as cycling, tennis, swimming and dancing. You can use this move as a great waking up routine to start your day with enhanced flexibility.
You begin my assuming a hands-and-knee pose, with your knees aligned right under your hips and your wrists aligned right beneath your shoulders. Now, tuck your toes underneath as you extend your spine forward. Take a deep inhale, and gradually relax your tummy so that it extends towards the floor. Be sure to keep your back slightly arch, as you tilt your chin and tailbone in the direction of the ceiling.
Cat Cow - Treatment for Severe Arthritis Pain
Then, exhale and begin rounding your spine as you extend your chin in the direction of your chest. Now, place the tops of your feet firmly on the floor as you untuck your toes and concentrate on the stretch. Be sure to repeat this pose at least 8 times for best results.
4. Figure 8
The Figure 8 comprises of 12 yoga poses that are all directed at enhancing the movements of your hips. These movements target the deepest inner most muscles of your hips and hip bones, and you can use them to bring about amazing improvements in your agility, speed and sense of direction. You can improve your performance at several sports and activities, such as dancing, tennis and badminton.
You begin by standing straight as you face a doorframe, a wall or even the back of a tall chair. Now, stretch your arms in front of you, and put both your hands on the chair or wall in front of you. Then, balance your body weight on your left foot, and lift up your right heel with your right knee slightly bended. Be sure to keep your toes firmly placed on the floor.
Figure 8 Pose - Rheumatoid Arthritis Knee Pain Exercise
Now, bend your right knee and use your toes to trace out the pattern of the digit 8 on the floor. Create a fluid movement by extending your right hip as much as you need, and bring it closer to your toes very swiftly. Be sure to repeat this move for at least 8 times before you try it out on the other side.
5. Arm Circles
A great yoga pose that will help you enhance the flexibility and range of motion in your shoulders. You can use it an excellent warm up for beginning all your sports and recreational activities with greater flexibility.
You begin by standing straight, with your feet placed at a hip-width distance. Now, stretch out your arms to each side and be sure to keep them at shoulder height with your palms faced downwards. Now, extend your elbows and at the same time, state creating forward circular movements with your arms stretched out in the front.
Arm Circles - Arthritis and Joint Pain Relief
Begin the stretch by creating small circles, and slowly, start making bigger circles. When you’ve completed the forward circling movements with your arms, change your direction before starting over with small circles, and gradually increasing the size of the circles to return to your starting position. Be sure to complete this move 10 times on each side, and at least 5 times in each direction.
6. Ankle Circles
If your ankle joints have been aching and creaking lately, and you find it difficult to perform well at activities you adore engaging in, such as hiking, trekking, walking, jogging or running, this yoga pose can help you relive the pain, along with curbing and relieving aching knees.
You begin by seating yourself at the edge of a sturdy chair, with your feet firmly resting on the floor and your hands placed atop your thighs. Now, raise your right foot above the floor, and stretch out your right leg as further away from your body as you easily can.
Ankle Circles - Pain Management Arthritis
Don’t move your raised right leg, and use the to make clockwise circular movements with your ankle. Repeat this move at least 5 times, before switching to counterclockwise ankle movements. Then, repeat the same moves on the left foot ankle, and be sure to make 5 ankle circles in both directions.
7. Floor Angels
A remarkable yoga pose that will bring out several movement and motion enhancements in your body, such as reducing pains, improving shoulder joints and reducing your risk for acquiring injuries and aches in your shoulders.
You begin by lying flat on your back, bend your knees and bend your arms to the sides of your body. Keep your palms facing upwards and your elbows firmly planted to your sides. Now, with your arms constantly touching the floor, take a deep inhale and slide your arms outwards and over your head until your index fingers come in contact with each other.
Floor Angels - Physical Therapy Exercises for Osteoarthritis of the Knee
Now, exhale and slide your arms back to the starting pose. Make sure your arms are firmly touching the floor throughout the entire movement, and repeat it at least 8 times for effective results.
These yoga poses and stretches will help you regain your strength, channel your energies, enhance your flexibility, relieve the pain of arthritis and add quality to your life. These simple workouts will help you enhance your performance at a wide range of sports and recreational activities, along with your abilities to perform your routine chores and tasks.
Shedding away extra pounds that you’ve gained after lounging around and watching Netflix throughout the summer break is never easy. Are trying to leave behind those flabby sweatpants and get your curvy figure back in shape? Or wait, maybe you want to avoid getting in such a situation, and find out the perfect way of enjoying a sweet and sublime vacation without having to deal with weight issues when its over! That’s probably the smartest way to go about it, because you know what they say, prevention is always better than cure.
There’s nothing to worry about for we have ample research that proves that cutting off say a 100 calories from your daily diet is extremely easy without even disappointing your taste buds. So basically, if you’re someone who hates stepping foot in the gym or doing any kind of physical exertion except getting out of the couch and seating yourself back on it, you can still shed those nasty pounds. Even if you begin as small as loosing 100 calories each day, you can still shed off 10 pounds, or maybe even more each year. An ocean is created drop by drop, well there you go, the journey to weight loss is simple and all it requires is dedication.
Easy Way to Lose 10 Pounds
All you need on your journey are these amazing and scientifically tested calories shedding tricks that you make your diet more wholesome and your body healthier, shapely and fit. Are you ready to get started? Here we go!
1. Manipulate the lights to manipulate the calories!
Now this may come as a bit of surprise to most of you, but the effects of lighting have a great deal to do with your calorie intake. You know how as children we were always so afraid of the dark, well, after you read this one out, you’d always want to have all your meals in the dark.
Cornell University conducted a study recently, and it revealed some awe-inspiring facts that unveil some amazing secrets to help you not only eat less, but enjoy your meal to the core and feel more wholesome. And that simple trick is, dimming down the lights to create a soft, warm glow. The researchers proved that participants who ate their meal under a subtle and warm light took around 175 calories less than those participants that dined in very bright lighting. Moreover, the people who ate under the soft and mood glow consumed 18% less amount of food placed on their plates. They also revealed to have had a much “more enjoyable” and wholesome meal as compared to when the room was brightly lit.
Scientific evidence proves that bright and fluorescent lighting serves as a trigger for hunger, particularly the need to consume more and more food. For instance, the harshly bright and loud lighting that is so common of fast food places serves as a psychological stimulant that triggers a hurry to get your meal, hurriedly consume and get yourself another one. On the other hand, when you are in a romantic candle lit setting where the mood of the lighting is soft, you feel more stimulated to make conversation and feel lighter, rather than wanting to dig into your plate right away. Unless you’re starving of course.
So, you know what to do, just dim the lighting and enjoy a more wholesome meal with your family as you savor each bite as you chew.
2. Put away your stylish curvy wine glasses!
Another surprise here ladies, and this one might hurt a little bit. You know how we just love enjoying cold and crisp red wine in one those swanky and curvy glasses as our fingers curl around their stylish shape. Let’s admit it, we all like a glass of wine when we’re all dressed up and waiting for our date to pick us. And most definitely when we’re tired after an exhausting day at work and we just want to curl up in the couch and eat take-out pizza.
Now here’s a hard truth, scientific research has proven that curvy drinking glasses make a great contribution to the flabby flesh that tends to accumulate on your things and that spare tire like layer in the middle of your tummy. Let me throw some facts at you if I sound unbelievable. A recent study conduction in Britain has revealed that individuals who have a habit of drinking from curvy glasses consume 60% more alcohol, sweet juices, sodas and other beverages as compared to those who drink from straight glasses.
Scientific evidence concludes that when one is drinking from a curvy glass, one tends to drink faster since it’s difficult to know when you’ve drunk half of your drink. That makes you reach for another drink soon after, and before you know it, that’s gone too.
Healthy and balanced eating has a lot to do with spacing out your sips, and feeling content with the amount you drink. The trick is to make your drinks in straight glasses, and that alone can help you cut down around 67 calories per meal.
And if you want to really speed up the calorie burning, replace alcohol and sweet sodas with orange juice, green tea and other fresh no-sugar juices.
3. Catch up on your beauty sleep!
Your beauty sleep has a great deal to do with the fitness and health of your body, and it is also linked with your desire for food. Now, if you’re tired and sleepy, according to scientific evidence, your body will be hungrier than a body that is wide awake, active and alert. Mayo Clinic conducted a research revealing that sleeping for less than 6½ hours every night causes a person to consume over 500 calories during the day.
According to Manfred Hallschmid, renowned researcher of the medical psychology & behavioural neurobiology, University of Tubingen, sleep deprivation causes a direct increase in hunger because when the body exhausted, it tends to consume and desire more calories than when it is alert and active. Hallschmid conducted another research to study the effects of sleep and the consumption of calories. The study revealed that sleep deprivation increases appetite harmones such as ghrelin, which in turn cause as increase in one’s desire or hunger for food.
So basically, if you don’t catch up on your beauty sleep for at least around 8 hours, your body will be exhausted and would not be able to rejuvenate. And you will end up consuming thousands of more calories than you would otherwise. Catch up on your beauty sleep ladies, I am not kidding!
4. Sugar is not nice!
It most certainly isn’t. It is the most disturbing thing on this planet, when we’re busy at work, or walking down the street just minding our business, we spot in the mysterious and tantalizing of ways. Sometimes, someone puts a plate of home-baked brownies on our desks, other times, we spot chocolates, cakes, sodas and other junk that just ruins our diets as the craving digs deep into our bones. Is there a way to avoid such a sugary confrontation?
Why, of course there is! Scientific research reveals that the trick to avoid consuming such high-calorie sugary foods is to simply look away when confronted with an image or having a direct audience with high-fat sugar products. According to Kathleen Page, Assistant Professor of Medicine at USC, imagines of heavy calorie foods and sugary treats tend to trigger and stimulate the reward center and parts of the brain that control hunger. And now that is exactly the reason why cheesy burger ads and stacked up beef steaks tend to make us go wild with hunger, while green cabbages and other vegies just seem to shut our brain for good.
5. Quit using the word “Can’t”
Maybe you’re thinking about picking up Mc Donald’s on the way back home, or you want to gobble down that cake left in the refrigerator since your parents visited last. Oh wait, maybe your parents are hosting a huge Christmas dinner and food is all over the place piled up in rich assortments that are a real treat for the eye. Your mouth is watering, and you keep reminding yourself, I can’t eat this, I can’t eat that. Hold it right there, you can’t say that.
Recent studies reveal that in order to improve the results of your diet or supposed dietary state of mind, you need stop focusing on what you eat, and think about what you shouldn’t eat. You see, scientific research has proven that the word “can’t” in itself is the cause that hinders this improve. Why? Because it sounds harsh, it does not bring about healthy results and eventually, it binds you into a cycle where you are punishing yourself rather than maintaining a more wholesome diet.
A recent study studied the effects of two phrases common of diet regimes, “can’t eats” and “don’t eats”. They divided participants into these two groups, and studied their choices of food. Amongst the don’t eats group, 64% picked out a granola bar instead of candy, while this behavior was only imitated by 30% from the can’t eats group.
The idea is to avoid creating a feeling of deprivation, of constantly repressing your desires. That will have a grossly effect on your motivation, and you will end up breaking free of this diet of I can’t. The trick is to adopt the phrase I don’t, or think about certain foods as they are not very becoming of you. For instance, imagine that if you wish to fit into that gorgeous dress you picked out for the school dance, eating another slice of cake would not be very becoming of you.
Adopting such an ideology will help you set some priorities. It will motivate you and help you channel your willpower towards creating a more wholesome diet. Of course, you can do anything want, but you don’t do certain things because you have priorities, and you will yourself to make healthier decisions.
6. Visualize your curves
Do you find yourself overly obese? Do you not like what you see in the mirror, even after weeks of diet when you put on that red dress you’ve been meaning to flaunt in front of your husband once you shed away those nasty pounds? Lady, you need to start visualizing those curves else they just won’t come!
Scientific evidence proves that your perception and imagination about your food choices, your body and most importantly, your waistline has a strong impact on your success at losing weight and maintaining your diet. If you’re constantly labelling yourself as fat and obese in your head, chances are, you’re going to de-motivate yourself into believing you can’t lose weight despite having the energy to go on a diet or a physical exertion regime.
Susan Albers, the author of Eating Mindfully and 50 Ways to Soothe Yourself Without Food, conducted a research that studied women over the period of 10 years. It revealed that around 59% women who tend to imagine themselves as obese, experience an increase in their body mass index over time even if they start out with the average DMI of 20. It works like a self-fulfilling prophecy, how you see yourself has a strong psychological impact on the success of your dietary regime.
If you don’t start with a positive mindset you cannot stick to your diet and shed away those nasty pounds. So visualize your curves, and start working on making them real.
7. Team up your food with water
Yes, that’s right. Think about it, when you have a glass of chilled coke in your hand, what would you want to eat, boiled peas or cheesy fries? Obviously, its going to be the later, a ham sandwich or a slice of pizza. You see, unhealthy beverages lead to unhealthy food choices. Scientific research conducted at the University of Oregon revealed that the drinks you pair with your food end up effecting the food you consume along we the amount of calories you intake.
For instance, if you have red wine on the table, you’re likely to crave steak. On the other hand, something as light as water would fill you up and make you want to finish up the vegies on your plate. Coming back to the study, it divided adults into two groups, those who drank water and those who drank soda. Now, those with water revealed to have preferred water with veggies, and termed it as the “best drink” to go with healthy food with lesser calories. While those who enjoyed pizzas and greasy fries tended to loved beverages like cokes and other sodas.
The moral is, pair your plate of fresh and green veggies with a huge glass of cold water, and consume it right before your meal to eat in proportionate amounts.
8. Welcome your meals with positivity!
Are you planning to meet your crush for a dinner date and you’re worried he’s a guy who likes girls who love to eat? Oh wait, perhaps your grandmother is planning a huge Thanksgiving dinner and you just can’t bear to miss out on all the delicious delicacies she churns out of her oven? Whatever the reason, don’t stop yourself from dreaming and imagining yourself licking that decadent chocolate from that scrumptious brownie!
According to a recent study conducted by Dr. Hallschmid, anticipating or fantasizing about a meal causes the ghrelin levels, which are basically the appetite hormones we discussed earlier, to lower down. In his study, Dr. Hallschmid revealed that looking forward, anticipating and fantasizing about a meal causes the ghrelin levels to go down, and by the time the plate of food is placed in front of you, even the aromatic fumes emerging out of the creamy soup won’t be enough to make you chuck down a bowl full and still want more.
So, look forward to your meals with positivity and preserve your hunger mostly by fantasies of the scrumptious dish.
Research reveals that for even amongst healthy individuals, one in two have a risk of contracting arthritis in their lifetime. And once you develop this disease, it turns you physically impaired and renders you useless to do even the most basic of tasks. Arthritis is a life of helplessness and dependency, but you can always avoid with cleverly healthy choices and a wholesome lifestyle.
We have compiled a list of clinically approved home remedies that can help you avoid this life-challenging disease without spending a huge chunk of your money!
1. Medicinal marijuana
Medicinal marijuana, more commonly known as cannabis, is extremely helpful in curbing the pain of inflammatory arthritis as well as osteoarthritis. Clinical research has revealed that cannabis also improves the autoimmune response that often gets impaired due to inflammatory arthritis. There have been countless cases where patents have reported great improvements in their mobility, ease, stiffness and pain control. The quality of life often improves for these patients.
Marijuana Benefits Medical
2. Embrace the spicy turmeric
Turmeric has been hailed for its countless health benefits for centuries, and it contains curcumin, an active agent with a strong anti-arthritic and anti-inflammatory profile. Turmeric works just as amazing to curb down the pain as any medicine for arthritis, only it does not cause any side effects.
Turmeric and Rheumatoid Arthritis
You can always pick out supplements, but the best way is to add this delicious yellow spice to your curries in large quantities, or get a high turmeric fish oil.
3. A gluten free diet
The easiest way of reducing the symptoms and pain of inflammatory arthritis is to consume a gluten-free diet. It doesn’t matter if you are sensitive to gluten or not, gluten ultimately causes inflammation in your body, and if you discard it from your diet, the pain will reduce itself. And you will also experience a stark reduction in symptoms like redness and stiffness, along with experience an improvement in your mobility.
Can Gluten Cause Joint Pain
4. Grass-fed Grilling
Research has proven that pastured meat that comes from grass-fed animals contains a powerful profile of omega-3 fatty acids that work wonders to halt inflammation within the body. What’s even better is that grass-fed meat, for instance lamb or beef contains huge amounts of creatine, which helps increase muscle mass and ease mobility in patients suffering with rheumatoid arthritis.
Grill up a grass-fed steak
5. Probiotic Infusion
A healthy digestive microbiome is essential to ensure your joints remain healthy and strong, and if you consume a cultured diet rich in probiotics, your digestive system earns a huge share of good gut bacteria. These probiotic rich foods include, kefir, sauerkraut, yogurt and much more. You can even pick out a fine quality probiotic supplement.
6. An easy exercise regime
You cannot engage in high-impact sports such as soccer, basketball or any kind of running because it will create mechanical stress in your joint and increase the symptoms of arthritis. Engaging in such sports can aggravate your situation and cause you a serious injury. However, low activity excersies such as walking, swimming and cycling can work wonders on your mobility and keep you active. Also, weight gain can make arthritis worse, so keep up these exercises to shed away those nasty pounds and keep them off.
Exercise for Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain
7. Let technology do the work
Arthritis of the thumb is fairly common, but there are several ergonomic tricks to help reduce the pain of the arthritis thumb and go about your regular chores. For instance, there are countless kitchen utensils that can help reduce joint stress, certain mounted jar openers to help you avoid twisting the lid with your thumb, saw handle knives to make it easier to cut up large fruits and veggies like pumpkins. Key holders, wide pencil grips and pens, spring loaded scissors and many tools designed to ease the pain in your thumb and increase your mobility to perform routine tasks.
Occupational Therapy Rheumatoid Arthritis
8. Meditation
Autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis tend to get worse due to stress, so if you want to curb them down, effective stress management is important. Meditation is extremely important because it carves out a personal moment for you to completely relax, hold positive communications with yourself and really calm your mind. A meditation app would be a very nice way to get started on nailing the art of meditation.
9. Vibrate your body
Now, while it may seem like an overwhelming option, it has shown immense success of improving functioning mobility and reducing signs of fatigue among several patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. You can always buy your own vibration device and reduce the pain directly. If you also pick out a hold or cold pack, it will help relieve the pain a lot better.
Testing Vibration Sense
10. Use Omega-3 Supplements to soothe away inflammation
Clinical research reveals that a diet that is rich in omega oils containing GLA, EPA and DHA can curb down the pain of arthritis. Omega oil supplements help soothe down the fire created by inflammatory chemical present within your body.
Put the fire of inflammation out with omega-3 supplements
11. Pick out some chili pepper
Chili pepper contains capsaicin that helps reduce the pain when applied over symptomatic joints. Different patients have reported to have experienced a different response, but they all have describe their pain to have reduced. However, it does burn a bit when you apply it on the joints, so be prepared to sting a little.
12. Gift your body a massage
A massage from a professional masseuse is quite possibly the best thing you can gift your body to make sure all the tension from your muscles has been released. Massage helps regulate circulation amongst your muscles, and it also reduces the spasms induced by protective overuse. You should also learn to self-massage at home to really soften up tense muscles and save money.
Remedies for Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain
13. Heat things up
Warm compresses, saunas, steam rooms, paraffin baths, or any kind of warm soak in your own tub with lots of steam can really help drive out stiffness from your muscles and reduce your pain.
Warm Up - Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment Side Effects
14. Rejuvenate your joints with glucosamine chondroitin
Glucosamine chondroitin helps bring about marked improvements in the cartilage surface present within your joints, and eliminate the inflammation. You can always consume it in the form of a supplement, or you can add more organ meats and seafood to your diet to obtain them from a natural source.
41. Lentils
Women consuming lentils two times every week have 24 percent lesser or reduced risk of developing breast cancer. They steady the sugar level of blood and provide 13 g of protein, 5 mg of iron and 11 g of fiber for only a quarter cup of their legumes.
They protect against hypertension and depression. Add them in salads or soups.
Protein in Lentil Soup
42. Brussels sprouts
Oregon State University’s research has shown Brussels to be containing sulphur compounds like glucosinolates which assist in lowering risk of various cancer types. 1 cup of Brussels has 54 mcg of folate and other minerals like iron and potassium. Cut them into half slices and sauté properly with pepper, garlic and salt for amazing flavor.
Brussel Sprouts Weight Loss
43. Bulgur
It’s found in Middle Eastern countries and is containing a unique metabolite identified as betaine, which fights inflammation. Cup of bulger has 8.2 grams of fiber (about 33 % of daily body need). It provides with half of your daily need of manganese, which is extremely important for your brain and neuron functions. Have it with beans for making a veggie burger.
Nutritional Value of Bulgur Wheat
44. Sardines
They are among the best possessors of omega-3 fats. A Danish study reveals that women consuming sardines regularly have 38% decreased chance of getting ischemic heart disease. The long-chain of omega-3’s drop the level of inflammation and tumor growth. Sardines are rich in B12 as well, which assist the body to make up DNA chains for normal and healthier blood cells and neurons.
Sardine Dishes
45. Kefir
Kefir is magical milk that helps in proper functioning of digestive and immune system. Its probiotics stop harmful candida like microbes from causing cramps in stomach and break outs or rashes in skin. Go for unflavored kefirs and enjoy them with your smoothies.
46. Lean Beef
Iron, which is essential component of blood and is functional in process of respiration, is present in lean beef in good amount. 1 ounce beef each day is a recommended amount for improving body’s ability to absorb iron, according to Mary J. Kretsch-a researcher in Western Human Nutrition Research Center in Davis, CA. Beef contains zinc (which is important for memory retention) and B vitamins (which are vital for turning of food ingested into energy).
Grass-fed beef is preferable than grain-fed breed of beef as the former has double the amount of vitamin E, which is an amazing antioxidant that boosts brain functions. It has omega-3s and lesser fat as an extra treat. As the grass-fed beef is difficult to be cooked, use meat thermometer to prevent yourself from overcooking it.
Best Diet Meats
47. Tea
Green tea has antioxidants which slow down the growth of cancer and improve the flow of blood. It also plays vital role in losing weight, improved functioning of liver and lowered levels of brain ailments like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Black tea is not far behind in health department as it lessens the chance of strokes and damage of lungs from smoking. Keep enjoying your tea but to a moderate extent.
Hot Green Tea Benefits
48. Coffee
How much coffee healthy for you? Whether its caffeine is beneficial or the antioxidants? National Cancer Institute studies show that women who take 2-3 cups of coffee a day have lowered their death rate by 13 percent. Coffee also decreases chances of developing skin cancer, dementia, Alzheimer’s and diabetes.
Is Coffee Good for Your Diet
49. Raspberries
A cup of raspberries fulfill your 50 % daily need of manganese. Manganese is pivotal in triggering brain and neuron actions; and it plays significant role for health of bone and joints. Raspberries have fiber, antioxidants and vitamin C along with phytonutrients (which reduce cancerous cell growth). Organic raspberries are most beneficial and reliable in their good health effects.
Benefits of Berries Weight Loss
50. Brown Rice
Brown rice have special component called selenium which is important for thyroid metabolic functions, health of DNA and immune functions of your body. A cup of brown rice fulfills 27% of your daily need for selenium. Brown rice is great sources of manganese and niacin, which are fundamental in maintenance of health of brain and heart. Replace your white rice with brown rice and you’ll enjoy a great favor.
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