7 Autoimmune Diseases Every Woman Should Know About
Autoimmune disorders take place when the immune system betrays the body and begins attacking the healthy cells, which happen to be the building blocks of the body. Research reveals that anyone and everyone are at risk of developing these autoimmune disease, however, 80% of the patients usually tend to be women. Medical science hasn’t been able to discover the reason behind this but certain studies indicate that it has something to do with the manner in which the genes are distributed in females.
Regardless of the cause, we must take serious measures to prevent autoimmune diseases because recent statistics have revealed a constant increase in the number of patients affected by this disease. A recent study revealed that during the past 5 years, incidents of autoimmune disorders have tripled in the US alone.
There are more than 80 kinds of autoimmune disorders, and even though every single one is unique and different than the other, they all share some universal symptoms. These include, dizziness, mild fever, bouts of fatigue, while the key symptom is always inflammation, which leads to swelling, heat, redness and severe pain. Doctors treat each patient depending on the particular disease, but the treatment usually includes anti-inflammatory medicines that are used to control and prevent the attacks of the immune system. There are several innovative biologic agents, which are used as substitutes to mimic the roles of the substances that are usually produced by the body to produce movement, or block the harmful substances that are a part of the attacks caused by the immune system.
List of Common Autoimmune Diseases
Patients can also improve their condition by using several natural remedies, for instance, inflammation can be reduced by eating inflammatory foods that are packed with sugars and saturated fats. Patients must also eat gut-healthy foods, since 80% of the immune system in present inside the gut, along with eating herbs and fruits that flush out toxins and reduce stress.
The best way to prevent autoimmune disorders is to catch them in their earliest stages, and in order to do that you need to understand their symptoms. Here’s all you need to know about the 7 most common autoimmune diseases:
Research reveals that around 4% women are risk of contracting rheumatoid arthritis in their life. It is a disease that triggers the symptoms of inflammatory joints within the body, primarily the hips, knees, elbows, hands and fingers.
Often, people confuse rheumatoid arthritis with the symptoms of osteoarthritis, which is a very common degenerative disease that occurs due to ailing and worn out joints, however, the two conditions are poles apart. The symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis include fever, rapid weight loss, bouts of fatigue and lack of appetite. The onset of the symptoms starts very quickly, and it only takes a couple of weeks for the symptoms to worsen to the extent that movement is made nearly impossible. The symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis tend to be symmetrical, which basically means that both sides of your body will get equally affected.
Treatment for rheumatoid arthritis in fingers
Doctors usually treat rheumatoid arthritis with NSAIDS, which are used to tone down the swelling and curb the pain. Some prescription drugs are used to prevent the immune system from attacking the body organs, along with improving the patient’s mobility with the aid of occupational and physical therapy. A patient suffering with rheumatoid arthritis has to make several lifestyle changes, for instance weight management, a healthy diet and a regular exercise regime are essentialities to prevent the disorder from worsening.
Research reveals that even though it isn’t necessary to develop psoriasis in order to contract psoriatic arthritis, however nearly 40% of the patients suffering with psoriasis tend to contract psoriatic arthritis. It is a kind of inflammatory arthritis that mostly impairs the larger joints in the body. Its symptoms include severe pain and stiffness in the joins, along with swelling and disruption within and the areas surrounding the affected joints.
In the early stages of the treatment, your doctor will prescribe several oral medicines that are aimed at bringing a reduction in the swelling, biologics and inflammation, along with preventing the condition to worsen and cause further damage to the joints.
Psoriatic Arthritis Management
This refers to the abnormal growth that takes place with the connective tissues that connect the skin with the blood vessels, also known as collagen. Research reveals that nearly 24 of our every 100,000 people are at risk of contracting this ailment.
Its symptoms include a thickening and hardening of the skin, which makes movement horridly difficult. These hardened tissues can also tend to build up in other body organs, for instance the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, heart or lungs.
Scleroderma and Lung Cancer
There are several medicines that can reduce these symptoms. Most doctors prescribe blood pressure medicines to their patients in order to prevent the occurrence of kidney or lung ailments. While others also prescribe protein pump inhibitors in order to eliminate the symptoms of stomach acid that leads to a heartburn. Furthermore, doctors also use occupation or physical therapy in order to help the patient regain his/her strength and mobility, along with learning how to manage the pain.
Research reveals that psoriasis is the only kind of autoimmune disorder that exhibits the same kind of symptoms across both men and women, and over 7.5 million Americans are affected by this disease. It is a kind of chronic skin ailment that triggers a speedy growth of the skin cells.
Plaque psoriasis is the most common kind of psoriasis and its symptoms include raised red patches that are filled with a whitish silver patches of dead skin cells. These patches, or plaques as they have been termed, can be extremely painful and they trigger itchiness will leads to bleeding and cracking of the skin. Plaque psoriasis most commonly affects the skin on the lower back, scalp, elbows and knees.
Plaque Psoriasis Triggers
In order to heal psoriasis on the scalp, doctors often recommend certain shampoos and moisturizers designed specially to treat mild cases of this condition. Certain severe cases of psoriasis that emerge on the body are treated with several topic ointments and treatments, along with biologics, light therapy and medicines.
In this syndrome, your glands are the attacked by your immune system, and this leads to the abnormal reduction in the production of tears and saliva. Both, the quality and quantity of tears and saliva secretion undergoes an unhealthy reduction, and this triggers symptoms such as dry mouth and dry eyes. Research reveals that nearly four million individuals in their late 40’s get affected by the Sjögren’s syndrome. Medical experts believe that this disease is caused by certain genes, which get triggered due to exposure to a certain kind of bacteria or virus. However, researchers are still investigating the role played by the nervous system and endocrine in the development of this disorder.
Your doctor will prescribe a suitable treatment that depends entirely on the particular body part that has been affect. For instance, if you’re experiencing excessively dry eyes, the doctor is likely to prescribe Rx or OTC eye drops, along with some eye ointments. The doctor may also use tiny plugs to block the tear ducts in order to cause more tears to accumulate in the eyes. In severe cases, the doctors tend to use anti-inflammatory medicines, while a surgical operation tends to be a last resort to eliminate the symptoms.
Dry Eyes Autoimmune
If your mouth is excessively dry, the doctor in likely to prescribe sugar-free chewing gums or hard candies in order to keep your mouth hydrated and trigger the generation of saliva. You will also be recommended a lip balm to keep your lips moist and your mouth hydrated. In severe cases, doctors resort to therapies such as the saliva substitutes and several medicines that create saliva by stimulating the salivary glands.
This disorder takes place when the thyroid, which is a butterfly-shaped gland located in the center of the neck, is attacked by the immune system. This mostly causes a deficiency of the hormones generated within the thyroid, this condition is also called hypothyroidism. Research reveals that Hashimoto is the most common kind of thyroid disorder, and over 14 million Americans are affect by its symptoms.
Its symptoms include a goiter, which is basically a swelling right at the front of your throat. It also accompanies bouts of fatigue, tiredness, severe mood swings, pain in the joints and muscles, weight gain, dry skin and nails, hormone imbalances and constipation. Several patients have also reported symptoms such as excessive hair loss, concentration issues, cold feet and hands, and a roughness in their voice. Doctors usually use synthetic thyroid replacement hormone in order to eliminate these symptoms.
Japanese Thyroid Disease
Research reveals that over 1.5 million Americans are affected by Lupus, and nearly 9 out of every 10 people are at risk for developing it. It is disease that is capable of damaging several key body organs, primarily the kidneys, joints, heart, lungs and skin. Women with darker skin tones are thrice as likely to contract this disease as compared to Caucasian women.
Lupus is a disease that can impair several organs, so it triggers the onset on countless symptoms, making it extremely hard to diagnose. It’s symptoms include, severe headaches, bouts of fatigue and tiredness, fever, swelling and pain in the joints, and chest pain while deep breathing. Patients have also reported symptoms such as anemia, swelling in the hands, legs and feet, butterfly-shaped rashes on the nose and cheeks, along with puffiness and swelling around the eyes. It also triggers excessive hair loss, whiteness of the fingers, cold feet and hands, sunlight sensitivity and ulcers in the mouth or nose. Majority of the patients suffering with lupus also experience abnormal blood clotting.
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
In most cases, doctors treat this condition with the aid of medications that bring about a reduction in inflammation, reduce the damage faced by the body organs and suppress the actions of the immune system, along with corticosteroids.
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