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5 Warning Signs Your Appendix Might Burst

We all experience minor stomach aches, and other digestive ailments, such as diarrhea, or constipation. Similarly, stomach viruses and food poisoning-related ailments are also very common, and they tend to happen to everyone at least once or twice in their lives.

Appendicitis, however, is a far less prevalent medical ailment, and according to research, it only occurs amongst 5% of the population. If you seem to have fallen amongst the unfortunate 5%, it is essential that you waste no time in reading the signs and getting yourself treated. You see, if an inflamed appendix goes untreated for a long period of time, it tends to rupture and that is going to be a life-threatening situation.

Did my Appendix just Burst

Having said that, it is also important to understand that not all cases of appendicitis end up in the rupturing of the organ in question, but if you delay your medical treatment, this eventuality is highly likely. Hence, in order to eliminate this risk you must interpret the symptoms and get yourself treated without wasting any time.


Here are some of the most common symptoms of appendicitis to help you spot the disease:


Not all patients suffering with appendicitis tend to experience a lack of appetite and a constant state of nausea, so it could even be a minor stomach infection that is causing you to vomit uncontrollably. However, when feelings of queasiness are accompanied by a horrid stomach ache, you must get medical attention immediately. In certain cases, inflammation in the appendix tends to cause adverse effects on other organs, primarily the nervous system and the GI tract, and this triggers vomiting and nausea.


If you’ve never experience stomach ache as horribly unbearable as this one, there’s ample reason for you to be alarmed.

You see, appendicitis triggers immense pain that tends to travel from the belly button towards the lower right area of your stomach. Now, even though it’s not a clear cut sign that your appendix is preparing to burst, you still need to get an imaging test done, for instance a CT scan, in order to identify the cause.

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Medical experts note that certain patients suffering with appendicitis tend to experience a slightly different kind of pain. For instance, if you’re feeling immense pain or discomfort while doing your routine activities like driving over a bumpy road, walking or coughing, chances are that your entire abdominal wall may have gotten inflamed. With such symptoms, it is highly likely that you appendix has ruptured or is about to burst, hence, it is essential that you waste no time and get yourself immediate medical attention.



In some individuals, the appendix is located in the lower region of the pelvis, so it tends to be in close proximity with the balder. Now, when the bladder interacts with an inflamed appendix, it causes the balder to get irritated and inflamed as well. And thus, the patient experiences the need to pee all the time, and in most cases, the pain of urinating can be agonizing.

This could also be an indication that you have a urinary tract infection, however, if you’re experiencing this symptom along with the others mentioned in this article, it is one of the most commonly experienced symptoms of appendicitis.


A strong fever accompanied by chills is a clear indication of the presence of inflammation in some part of your body. Once the appendix gets inflamed, the body jolts into action by accumulating fighter cells to heal that area, and this process involves the release of several chemicals that in turn alert the cells to fight. While this process is taking place within the body, the patient is likely to experience pain throughout the body, along with fever and shivery chills.

If your stomach is aching uncontrollably and the fever only seems to ignite, don’t waste any time in fixing an appointment with your doctor.

Do I Need My Appendix Removed



Consistent feelings of disorientation or experiencing a perpetual state of confusion is an indication that the infection is spreading throughout your body and impairing the abilities of your organs to aid your brain. In certain severe cases, such feelings indicate that the infection has permeated your blood stream, which is known as sepsis in medical terms and it can prove to be fatalistic if allowed to spread.

What does it feel like for your appendix to burst

It doesn’t necessarily indicate that your brain has been impaired, but rather, it indicates that the infection is spreading and worsening, and it is limiting your body resources, primarily oxygen. When the brain doesn’t get a sufficient supply of oxygen, its functioning gets clouded and slightly impaired.

If you or someone else around may be acting out of order or unusually unsteady, get them immediate medical attention. The reason behind such a state may or may not turn out to appendicitis, but if something is altering their emotional or mental health, it is imperative to rule out the cause as soon as possible.

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