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8 Simple Everyday Habits To Maintain Healthy Cartilage

We all know how important it is to take care of our bones. We are always told to eat food that contains calcium or sit outside, during day time to get some vitamin D from the sunlight. Bones are one of the most important structures of our body and should be taken care of, as they form the basic structure of our body, help us maintain posture and perform movements. We know that if we do not take proper care of our bones and let them weaken, they result in many issues including osteoporosis that affects our daily life and causes pain and difficulty in movements. However, bones are not the only thing that we should take care of; there are some other things as well.

Cartilage is a soft, flexible structure that makes up our ears, nose, rib cage and bronchial tubules. It is also present at the ends of our bones and is found in the joints between the bones like the elbows, knees and ankles etc. It is also found in the end of the ribs, in the vertebrae in the spine, also in ears and nose and in bronchial tubes or airways.

Knee Joint Cushion

Cartilage protects the bones from rubbing against each other’s joints, acting as a pad or a cushion for them. We should keep our cartilage strong and healthy as it affects our health very deeply. Cartilage makes our body movement smooth and comfortable because of its softness and flexibility. But either due to aging or heavy activities, the cartilage can get damaged. If the cartilage gets damaged, eroded or destroyed we get stiffness, pains, aches and sometimes, swelling as well. In such cases, pain killers and other supplements are used by the consultation of doctors. But in extreme cases, surgery may be needed.

Cartilage health is very important as even a little damage can affect our lifestyle in many ways. We need to take proper care of it. And by taking care of our cartilage health, we not only prevent the existing cartilage from damage but we can also develop more. Also, cartilage health has great effects on our bone health so we need to be careful with it. We just need to follow the following steps:


We all know how bad inflammation can affect our body. It can result in severe pain, aches and terrible skin conditions too. Arthritis and joint pain are also caused due to inflammation. This inflammation can either be due to the wrong choices of the food that we eat of due to overexertion.

Avoid Inflammatory Foods

The best way to avoid this is to take anti-inflammatory diet. For this, we have to change our eating habits. Anti-inflammatory diet includes fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, whole grains, fish, lean meat, fresh herbs and plant based proteins and healthy fats from olive oil and avocados etc. One of the best options for an anti-inflammatory diet is apple. It contains a chemical called quercetin that increases the collagen production in our body. Also, apple’s skin has a lot of benefits as the concentration of quercetin is higher in it. So, do not peel the skin off. Other than that, vegetables rich in vitamin K like broccoli, spinach and cabbage fight inflammation. Fruits like cherries, raspberries, and blackberries also have great anti-inflammatory properties. Oatmeal, brown rice, and whole wheat bread tend to be rich in fiber; it also plays a good role in fighting inflammation. Intake of beans is also very good as they are loaded with anti-oxidants. Nuts also helps stop inflammation. Salmon, tuna and sardines fish should also be taken twice a week. Herbs and spices like turmeric powder and garlic curbs should be taken as they give flavor to our food and they are anti-oxidants.

Make sure you take plenty of water as the water keeps our body cells and tissues wet and moist and helps our body joints to move properly by providing lubrication.


Most of the cartilage is composed of collagen. Collagen is a protein which is present in our whole body. Vitamin C is very important for the biosynthesis or preparation of collagen. Vitamin C is also known as ascorbic acid and is a water soluble vitamin which is naturally present in many foods. You can take citrus fruits, kiwi fruit and berries to increase the consumption of Vitamin C. Leafy green vegetables and broccoli are also good sources of vitamin C.

Another vitamin, vitamin D is also very essential for our bone and cartilage health. It is also known as sunshine vitamin because our body produces vitamin D when our skin is being exposed to sunlight. Sources of vitamin D are fatty fish like salmon, fish liver oil, egg yolks, orange juice, soy milk, beef liver, cereals, and some dairy products. Its deficiency may cause weakness of muscles and bone pain.

Vitamins C and D Intake



We often think that gelatin is only used in desserts, but that is not true. Gelatin is rich in amino acids, which makes our bones strong and healthy. Gelatin is derived from animal sources and the one made of cooked collagen is very beneficial for our body. Consuming this gelatin makes our body produce more collagen and encourages the cartilage development.

Not only this, it is amazingly beneficial for our skin, nails and hair and is very rich in proteins. It also is free of fat and cholesterol so people who have weight issues can take benefit from it.


Bone broth is made from animal’s bones. It is rich in minerals and calcium that is best for our bones. During the cooking process the minerals from animal’s bones are extracted. It improves our joint health, reduces cellulite, and boosts our immune system. It is very beneficial for cold as flu as well and heals disorders like allergies, asthma, and arthritis too. Gelatin present in bone broth helps the cartilage move without friction.

Bone broth is world’s best source of natural collagen and is rich in calcium as well. On adding it to our diet, our bones absorb the bone broth and take benefits of all the collagen, calcium and proteins present in it. A tip of consuming bone broth is to add a spoonful of apple cider vinegar in it while cooking. This way the acid present in the vinegar helps breaking down the bones further that extracts more calcium and minerals from it into the soup. This means getting more benefits.

Bone Broth Roast Bones



Glucosamine is an amino sugar; it is a natural chemical compound present in our body and is also present in the form of supplements.

Glucosamine in our body helps us keep our cartilage healthy. It reduces inflammation, swelling and pain. Earlier, glucosamine was used as a natural supplement for joint pains and arthritis. It provides comfort to the joints and makes it easy for you to perform movements.

According to some studies, 1500 milligrams of it daily, is considered good. However, it is a sugar and is not recommended to diabetic patients. Also, you should consult your doctor before going for it as too much intake can increase your risk of diabetes.


There are many nutrients which are important for health one of which is sulfur, when it comes to inflammation. It is a very useful and important nutrient for our cartilage as it fights inflammation. The most common and amazing sources of sulfur are onions and garlic. It is also present in leeks and scallions. There are a lot of ways to add these vegetables to your diet as not only they provide sulfur, but they also enhance the taste of a lot of dishes.

A plus point of adding these vegetables to your diet is that they also regulate the sodium levels in the blood and maintain the overall health of your body.

Sulfur Burps


Exercise is a bodily activity that keeps our body healthy, active and maintain. It also enhances our mental health. Exercise is a very good way to keep our cartilage, bones, muscles and the whole body working in a good shape. While overexertion and heavy exercises can damage your cartilage, reasonable exercise, recommended according to your health, weight, age and other factors should be done daily in order to maintain a healthy cartilage. Exercise helps you stay fit and boosts your strength and stamina. It also maintains your bone density that helps you prevent osteoporosis on getting old.


Torn Knee Meniscus Symptoms


Exercise in pool is also a good choice for maintaining cartilage health, especially if you face problems while exercising on land. You will feel more flexible and you will move more easily in water. You can build up your strength without getting injuries and pains which you may get on land.

Workouts to do in the pool

We all know that prevention is better than cure. Maintaining cartilage health is very important for everyone as the cartilage starts breaking down when you get old. The best way to prevent all the weakness and diseases related to weak bones or cartilage, you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle at your early age. Make the above mentioned points your habits so you do not have to face any problems when you get old. A healthy diet, reasonable exercise and drinking plenty of water is the key solution to many of your health related problems. Make sure you follow all these tips to stay fit and strong.

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