The Colon (Human Anatomy): Picture, Problems, Tests & Treatments
The large intestine is also known as the colon, and it is situated in the lower part of your abdomen, tucked in towards the right. It rests next to the small intestine, with the last part of the small intestine, called the ileum, touching the face of the colon, called the cecum.
The colon consists of four parts:
The ascending colon is located upwards in the right side of your abdomen.
The transverse colon is located across the stomach.
The descending colon is located downwards, towards the left side of the abdomen.
The sigmoid colon is a small curving that is located right before the rectum
The colon is responsible for flushing out essential nutrients, salt and water from the waste and converting it into stool. The wall of the colon are lined with muscles that help it to squeeze out the nutrients and pass on the stool to the rectum. The colon is responsible for storing several bacteria and maintaining a healthy and wholesome balance in the body.
Ascending Colon Cancer Treatment
A kind of inflammation that takes place within the colon. It can be caused by an infection in the colon, or due to the inflammatory bowel disease.
Also known as a hemorrhage, bleeding within the colon can result due to several problems. If the bleeding is light and slow, it may not be visible, however if it is rapid and heavy, it can be detected in the stool.
Research reveals that every year, over 100,000 Americans are affected by colon cancer. There are several types of cancers that affect the colon, but they can all be detected and prevented with the help of regular screening sessions.
Polyps are tiny tumor-like growths that develop within the colon. In certain cases, these tumors tend to benign but with the passage of time, they can turn cancerous. Doctors often treat certain colon cancers by removing these polyps.
This is an inflammatory disease that commonly impairs the intestine and primarily the colon. It’s most common symptoms include stomach ache and diarrhea that is often accompanied by bleeding.
Diarrhea refers to extremely watery and loose stool that is forcing you to make frequent trips to the bathroom. Several cases of diarrhea occur due to self-limited and mild infections of the small intestine or the colon.
Diverticulitis occurs when the diverticula gets infected or inflamed. It is accompanied by symptoms such as fever, severe stomach ache and constipation.
The tiny weak parts of the muscular wall surrounding the corner allow the formation of small pouches, known as diverticuli, by protruding the lining of the colon. In most cases, diverticuli don’t itself cause any ailments, however they can start bleeding, become infected or inflated.
Another medical term for both, ulcerative colitis and the Crohn’s disease. These two conditions cause inflammation within the colon, also known as colitis.
A disease caused by the bacteria Salmonella, which contaminates our food and infects the intestine. Its symptoms include abdominal cramps and diarrhea, but they mostly tend to go away without any medication or treatment.
A disease caused by the bacteria Shigella, which usually infects the colon by contaminating our food. Its common signs include abdominal cramps and diarrhea accompanied with bleeding.
When travelling through developing regions and countries, it is extremely difficult to find clean water and hygienic food because most water and food supplies are contaminated with harmful bacteria. The common symptoms of traveler’s diarrhea include nausea, fever and loose and frequent stool.
Much like the Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory disease that mostly impairs the rectum and the colon. Its most common symptoms include diarrhea accompanied with bleeding.
This is a procedure that is performed during a colonoscopy, and it involves the removal of a tiny part of the colon tissue, which the doctors remove in order to examine it for infections. This procedure is necessary to diagnose several colon conditions, including inflammation, colitis, colon cancer and other infections.
A procedure that is used to treat several colon conditions. It involves the insertion of a flexible tube with a camera attached to one end, also known as an endoscope, inside the rectum, from where it travels throughout the colon. A colonoscope allows the doctors to obtain highly insightful imagery of the entire colon.
This procedure involves the insertion of an endoscope within the rectum, which then travels all the way to the left part of the colon. This test has a drawback that it cannot provide imagery of the right or central parts of the colon.
This test requires a computer and an X-ray machine to provide highly detailed imagery of the colon from within. If doctors are able to detect any problems, they then perform a traditional colonoscopy for further clarification.
This is a test that detects signs of bleeding in the stool. In the instances this test detects blood in the stool, the doctors then perform a colonoscopy in order to identify and eliminate the cause behind this bleeding.
These are medicines that are used to eliminate the bacteria present inside the colon, and doctors often prescribe them to patients suffering with colitis. They are also used to treat cases of the inflammatory bowel disease.
These are medications that help reduce the symptoms and unpleasantness of diarrhea, along with reducing the frequency of the stool. However, reducing the symptoms doesn’t always cure certain cases of diarrhea unless the underlying cause is treated.
There are several anti-inflammatory drugs that help reduce the symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease, along with slowing down the functioning of the immune system.
Doctors perform this procedure to cure several colon diseases, including colon cancer, ulcerative colitis and severe cases of bleeding. It can be performed by removing the entire colon, also known as a colectomy or a part of the colon that has been infected. The doctors can either perform an open surgery that requires one large incision, or a laparoscopy that requires multiple small incisions.
Using tools on the tip of the endoscope, a doctor can treat certain colon conditions. Bleeding, polyps, or cancer might be treated by colonoscopy.
This is a medical term that refers to pumping fluid inside the colon through the anus. Doctors use this procedure to provide certain medications that cure several colon diseases and constipation.
There are certain salts, herbs and medicines that help stimulate bowel movements or muscles, and fill up the bowel with fluid that passes on the stool and helps relieve constipation. However, using laxatives for a continuous period is highly dangerous.
This is a procedure that doctors perform during a colonoscopy, and it involves the removal of polyps present within the colon.
The health of the colon thrives when nourished with microbes, and in order to obtain these microbes the doctors prescribe certain probiotic supplements that can cure diseases like colitis and the Crohn’s disease.
There are several prescriptive and over-the-counter medications that help soften and loosen up the stool to relive constipation. However, they may not work if the constipation is being caused by a stronger infection.
5 Warning Signs Your Appendix Might Burst
We all experience minor stomach aches, and other digestive ailments, such as diarrhea, or constipation. Similarly, stomach viruses and food poisoning-related ailments are also very common, and they tend to happen to everyone at least once or twice in their lives.
Appendicitis, however, is a far less prevalent medical ailment, and according to research, it only occurs amongst 5% of the population. If you seem to have fallen amongst the unfortunate 5%, it is essential that you waste no time in reading the signs and getting yourself treated. You see, if an inflamed appendix goes untreated for a long period of time, it tends to rupture and that is going to be a life-threatening situation.
Did my Appendix just Burst
Having said that, it is also important to understand that not all cases of appendicitis end up in the rupturing of the organ in question, but if you delay your medical treatment, this eventuality is highly likely. Hence, in order to eliminate this risk you must interpret the symptoms and get yourself treated without wasting any time.
Here are some of the most common symptoms of appendicitis to help you spot the disease:
Not all patients suffering with appendicitis tend to experience a lack of appetite and a constant state of nausea, so it could even be a minor stomach infection that is causing you to vomit uncontrollably. However, when feelings of queasiness are accompanied by a horrid stomach ache, you must get medical attention immediately. In certain cases, inflammation in the appendix tends to cause adverse effects on other organs, primarily the nervous system and the GI tract, and this triggers vomiting and nausea.
If you’ve never experience stomach ache as horribly unbearable as this one, there’s ample reason for you to be alarmed.
You see, appendicitis triggers immense pain that tends to travel from the belly button towards the lower right area of your stomach. Now, even though it’s not a clear cut sign that your appendix is preparing to burst, you still need to get an imaging test done, for instance a CT scan, in order to identify the cause.
Cause of Acid Reflux Disease
Medical experts note that certain patients suffering with appendicitis tend to experience a slightly different kind of pain. For instance, if you’re feeling immense pain or discomfort while doing your routine activities like driving over a bumpy road, walking or coughing, chances are that your entire abdominal wall may have gotten inflamed. With such symptoms, it is highly likely that you appendix has ruptured or is about to burst, hence, it is essential that you waste no time and get yourself immediate medical attention.
In some individuals, the appendix is located in the lower region of the pelvis, so it tends to be in close proximity with the balder. Now, when the bladder interacts with an inflamed appendix, it causes the balder to get irritated and inflamed as well. And thus, the patient experiences the need to pee all the time, and in most cases, the pain of urinating can be agonizing.
This could also be an indication that you have a urinary tract infection, however, if you’re experiencing this symptom along with the others mentioned in this article, it is one of the most commonly experienced symptoms of appendicitis.
A strong fever accompanied by chills is a clear indication of the presence of inflammation in some part of your body. Once the appendix gets inflamed, the body jolts into action by accumulating fighter cells to heal that area, and this process involves the release of several chemicals that in turn alert the cells to fight. While this process is taking place within the body, the patient is likely to experience pain throughout the body, along with fever and shivery chills.
If your stomach is aching uncontrollably and the fever only seems to ignite, don’t waste any time in fixing an appointment with your doctor.
Do I Need My Appendix Removed
Consistent feelings of disorientation or experiencing a perpetual state of confusion is an indication that the infection is spreading throughout your body and impairing the abilities of your organs to aid your brain. In certain severe cases, such feelings indicate that the infection has permeated your blood stream, which is known as sepsis in medical terms and it can prove to be fatalistic if allowed to spread.
What does it feel like for your appendix to burst
It doesn’t necessarily indicate that your brain has been impaired, but rather, it indicates that the infection is spreading and worsening, and it is limiting your body resources, primarily oxygen. When the brain doesn’t get a sufficient supply of oxygen, its functioning gets clouded and slightly impaired.
If you or someone else around may be acting out of order or unusually unsteady, get them immediate medical attention. The reason behind such a state may or may not turn out to appendicitis, but if something is altering their emotional or mental health, it is imperative to rule out the cause as soon as possible.
8 Simple Everyday Habits To Maintain Healthy Cartilage
We all know how important it is to take care of our bones. We are always told to eat food that contains calcium or sit outside, during day time to get some vitamin D from the sunlight. Bones are one of the most important structures of our body and should be taken care of, as they form the basic structure of our body, help us maintain posture and perform movements. We know that if we do not take proper care of our bones and let them weaken, they result in many issues including osteoporosis that affects our daily life and causes pain and difficulty in movements. However, bones are not the only thing that we should take care of; there are some other things as well.
Cartilage is a soft, flexible structure that makes up our ears, nose, rib cage and bronchial tubules. It is also present at the ends of our bones and is found in the joints between the bones like the elbows, knees and ankles etc. It is also found in the end of the ribs, in the vertebrae in the spine, also in ears and nose and in bronchial tubes or airways.
Knee Joint Cushion
Cartilage protects the bones from rubbing against each other’s joints, acting as a pad or a cushion for them. We should keep our cartilage strong and healthy as it affects our health very deeply. Cartilage makes our body movement smooth and comfortable because of its softness and flexibility. But either due to aging or heavy activities, the cartilage can get damaged. If the cartilage gets damaged, eroded or destroyed we get stiffness, pains, aches and sometimes, swelling as well. In such cases, pain killers and other supplements are used by the consultation of doctors. But in extreme cases, surgery may be needed.
Cartilage health is very important as even a little damage can affect our lifestyle in many ways. We need to take proper care of it. And by taking care of our cartilage health, we not only prevent the existing cartilage from damage but we can also develop more. Also, cartilage health has great effects on our bone health so we need to be careful with it. We just need to follow the following steps:
We all know how bad inflammation can affect our body. It can result in severe pain, aches and terrible skin conditions too. Arthritis and joint pain are also caused due to inflammation. This inflammation can either be due to the wrong choices of the food that we eat of due to overexertion.
Avoid Inflammatory Foods
The best way to avoid this is to take anti-inflammatory diet. For this, we have to change our eating habits. Anti-inflammatory diet includes fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, whole grains, fish, lean meat, fresh herbs and plant based proteins and healthy fats from olive oil and avocados etc. One of the best options for an anti-inflammatory diet is apple. It contains a chemical called quercetin that increases the collagen production in our body. Also, apple’s skin has a lot of benefits as the concentration of quercetin is higher in it. So, do not peel the skin off. Other than that, vegetables rich in vitamin K like broccoli, spinach and cabbage fight inflammation. Fruits like cherries, raspberries, and blackberries also have great anti-inflammatory properties. Oatmeal, brown rice, and whole wheat bread tend to be rich in fiber; it also plays a good role in fighting inflammation. Intake of beans is also very good as they are loaded with anti-oxidants. Nuts also helps stop inflammation. Salmon, tuna and sardines fish should also be taken twice a week. Herbs and spices like turmeric powder and garlic curbs should be taken as they give flavor to our food and they are anti-oxidants.
Make sure you take plenty of water as the water keeps our body cells and tissues wet and moist and helps our body joints to move properly by providing lubrication.
Most of the cartilage is composed of collagen. Collagen is a protein which is present in our whole body. Vitamin C is very important for the biosynthesis or preparation of collagen. Vitamin C is also known as ascorbic acid and is a water soluble vitamin which is naturally present in many foods. You can take citrus fruits, kiwi fruit and berries to increase the consumption of Vitamin C. Leafy green vegetables and broccoli are also good sources of vitamin C.
Another vitamin, vitamin D is also very essential for our bone and cartilage health. It is also known as sunshine vitamin because our body produces vitamin D when our skin is being exposed to sunlight. Sources of vitamin D are fatty fish like salmon, fish liver oil, egg yolks, orange juice, soy milk, beef liver, cereals, and some dairy products. Its deficiency may cause weakness of muscles and bone pain.
Vitamins C and D Intake
We often think that gelatin is only used in desserts, but that is not true. Gelatin is rich in amino acids, which makes our bones strong and healthy. Gelatin is derived from animal sources and the one made of cooked collagen is very beneficial for our body. Consuming this gelatin makes our body produce more collagen and encourages the cartilage development.
Not only this, it is amazingly beneficial for our skin, nails and hair and is very rich in proteins. It also is free of fat and cholesterol so people who have weight issues can take benefit from it.
Bone broth is made from animal’s bones. It is rich in minerals and calcium that is best for our bones. During the cooking process the minerals from animal’s bones are extracted. It improves our joint health, reduces cellulite, and boosts our immune system. It is very beneficial for cold as flu as well and heals disorders like allergies, asthma, and arthritis too. Gelatin present in bone broth helps the cartilage move without friction.
Bone broth is world’s best source of natural collagen and is rich in calcium as well. On adding it to our diet, our bones absorb the bone broth and take benefits of all the collagen, calcium and proteins present in it. A tip of consuming bone broth is to add a spoonful of apple cider vinegar in it while cooking. This way the acid present in the vinegar helps breaking down the bones further that extracts more calcium and minerals from it into the soup. This means getting more benefits.
Bone Broth Roast Bones
Glucosamine is an amino sugar; it is a natural chemical compound present in our body and is also present in the form of supplements.
Glucosamine in our body helps us keep our cartilage healthy. It reduces inflammation, swelling and pain. Earlier, glucosamine was used as a natural supplement for joint pains and arthritis. It provides comfort to the joints and makes it easy for you to perform movements.
According to some studies, 1500 milligrams of it daily, is considered good. However, it is a sugar and is not recommended to diabetic patients. Also, you should consult your doctor before going for it as too much intake can increase your risk of diabetes.
There are many nutrients which are important for health one of which is sulfur, when it comes to inflammation. It is a very useful and important nutrient for our cartilage as it fights inflammation. The most common and amazing sources of sulfur are onions and garlic. It is also present in leeks and scallions. There are a lot of ways to add these vegetables to your diet as not only they provide sulfur, but they also enhance the taste of a lot of dishes.
A plus point of adding these vegetables to your diet is that they also regulate the sodium levels in the blood and maintain the overall health of your body.
Sulfur Burps
Exercise is a bodily activity that keeps our body healthy, active and maintain. It also enhances our mental health. Exercise is a very good way to keep our cartilage, bones, muscles and the whole body working in a good shape. While overexertion and heavy exercises can damage your cartilage, reasonable exercise, recommended according to your health, weight, age and other factors should be done daily in order to maintain a healthy cartilage. Exercise helps you stay fit and boosts your strength and stamina. It also maintains your bone density that helps you prevent osteoporosis on getting old.
Torn Knee Meniscus Symptoms
Exercise in pool is also a good choice for maintaining cartilage health, especially if you face problems while exercising on land. You will feel more flexible and you will move more easily in water. You can build up your strength without getting injuries and pains which you may get on land.
Workouts to do in the pool
We all know that prevention is better than cure. Maintaining cartilage health is very important for everyone as the cartilage starts breaking down when you get old. The best way to prevent all the weakness and diseases related to weak bones or cartilage, you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle at your early age. Make the above mentioned points your habits so you do not have to face any problems when you get old. A healthy diet, reasonable exercise and drinking plenty of water is the key solution to many of your health related problems. Make sure you follow all these tips to stay fit and strong.
StudyInside the World’s Largest Collection of Brains
Many people around the world have to suffer Post Traumatic stress disorders. This is a type of a mental disorder that one has to suffer after going through some trauma. This trauma can be the death of any friend or relative, it could be passing through any natural disaster or any incident that can have the deep impact on your mind. There are many techniques also available through which one can handle post-traumatic stress disorder. In this article, we are going to share the information regarding the laboratory that holds the world’s largest post-traumatic stress disorders brain.
At the Lieber Institute for Brain Development in East Baltimore, many brains from individuals who were determined to have post-traumatic stress disorder during their lifetimes are put away in modern estimated coolers planned to save key tissue. The not-for-profit look into establishment has amassed 81 of these PTSD brains—just a little segment of its almost 2,000 aggregate brains—in the six years it’s been open. It’s the greatest gathering of post-mortem brains with a known determination of PTSD.
Can PTSB be treated
Researchers at Lieber are examining schizophrenia and related mind issue and have an eager solution for the PTSD gathering. They need to pinpoint the hereditary variations that raise a man’s hazard for creating PTSD after injury and discover focuses in the cerebrum to treat the turmoil all the more viably with medications.
Currently, individuals with PTSD are treated with a mixture of talk treatment, or psychotherapy, and solutions like antidepressants intended to treat side effects of the turmoil. Around eight million adults in the U.S. have PTSD in a given year, as indicated by estimations from the U.S. Bureau of Veterans Affairs. All around, that number is much higher and incorporates not simply battle fighters but rather displaced people, civilians exposed to war, and casualties of abusive behavior at home, attack, and sex trafficking.
Studying post-mortem brains is fundamental to PTSD research, says Joel Kleinman, associate director of clinical sciences at Lieber. The researchers and medical professionals only know about PTSD what they can observe from the symptoms of disorder symptoms. Molecular and cellular changes in the brain are still unknown for the scientists. The major problem is that PTSD can only be studied on human’s brain and it could not be done on the animal.
Kleinman and his associates will utilize RNA sequencing on the brains they’ve procured to recognize these progressions. While the data in DNA is steady and manages our organic qualities, RNA completes different undertakings in cells, for example, controlling quality expression. Quality expression, which can be measured with RNA sequencing, is vital to specialists on the grounds that a similar quality may act in various routes under various conditions.
RNA has a tendency to degrade in post-mortem tissue, so researchers at Lieber get the brains acquired within an hour of the do not donating his brain and rush them back to the lab to chill on ice. This jelly the respectability of the tissue so that the RNA can be legitimately broke down later. Andrew Jaffe, a scientist at Lieber, has additionally built up a calculation that measures the level of after death RNA corruption to help his partners decide the amount RNA can be broke down in the brains.
Evidence Based Treatment for PTSD
Lieber researchers have effectively done RNA sequencing on schizophrenia brains and distributed discoveries not long ago about the revelation of another protein connected to schizophrenia and related issue, including wretchedness, bipolar confusion, and consideration deficiency hyperactivity issue. Scientists accept such proteins could be medication focuses for these disarranges.
When every one of the brains has been sequenced, they will cross-reference hereditary variations observed by different scientists to be related to PTSD with their information to search for associations. The specialists will likewise do this with control brains to analyze the outcomes.
Kleinman says he trusts the RNA sequencing will uncover the progressions that need to happen to these hereditary variations to bring about the great side effects of PTSD. Kleinman and his group trust these cerebrum changes, which include proteins known as interpretation elements, speak to the blessed chalice for PTSD inquire about: focuses in the mind that could react to drugs.
It is for sure that RNA sequencing will not allow the scientists to lead to drug discovery. Researchers are finding it difficulty in RNA sequencing of the post mortem brains that difference in expressions is either caused by the outcome of PTSD or result of something else says Karestan Koenen, educator of psychiatric the study of disease transmission at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.
Koenen drives the PTSD working gathering inside Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, a globally coordinated effort of specialists, which is breaking down around 20,000 genetic samples from PTSD patients. In 2014, the consortium distributed information demonstrating that more than 100 hereditary variations are related with schizophrenia hazard. The consortium will do likewise for its PTSD information inside the following couple of years. That information will help researchers at Lieber limit down which hereditary variations it will concentrate on.
While she says PTSD research is in a time of “accelerated discovery,” she recognizes the long street ahead before a medication for this overwhelming issue is found. “There’s a pressure between the need and how rapidly we can move,” she says. “In any case, the alert is that we need to ensure we have strong outcomes that can advise sedate disclosure.”
After reading all this info, we hope that you have got enough information on Post Traumatic stress disorder and we have also tried you to show that what is happening on the research side in order to track the changes in the brain after post-traumatic stress disorders. Various researchers are working on this thing and it is expected that they will soon find the medicine to treat this disorder.
Many studies are in progress in which researchers are working on human brains to find the best cure for PTSD. They are also having difficulty is testing various solutions because they cannot test the drugs for this issue on animals. Although we have tried to convey you the information from the laboratory which is having the world’s largest collection of PTSD brains.
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8 Simple Everyday Habits To Maintain Healthy Cartilage
We all know how important it is to take care of our bones. We are always told to eat food that contains calcium or sit outside, during day time to get some vitamin D from the sunlight. Bones are one of the most important structures of our body and should be taken care of, as they form the basic structure of our body, help us maintain posture and perform movements. We know that if we do not take proper care of our bones and let them weaken, they result in many issues including osteoporosis that affects our daily life and causes pain and difficulty in movements. However, bones are not the only thing that we should take care of; there are some other things as well.
Cartilage is a soft, flexible structure that makes up our ears, nose, rib cage and bronchial tubules. It is also present at the ends of our bones and is found in the joints between the bones like the elbows, knees and ankles etc. It is also found in the end of the ribs, in the vertebrae in the spine, also in ears and nose and in bronchial tubes or airways.
Knee Joint Cushion
Cartilage protects the bones from rubbing against each other’s joints, acting as a pad or a cushion for them. We should keep our cartilage strong and healthy as it affects our health very deeply. Cartilage makes our body movement smooth and comfortable because of its softness and flexibility. But either due to aging or heavy activities, the cartilage can get damaged. If the cartilage gets damaged, eroded or destroyed we get stiffness, pains, aches and sometimes, swelling as well. In such cases, pain killers and other supplements are used by the consultation of doctors. But in extreme cases, surgery may be needed.
Cartilage health is very important as even a little damage can affect our lifestyle in many ways. We need to take proper care of it. And by taking care of our cartilage health, we not only prevent the existing cartilage from damage but we can also develop more. Also, cartilage health has great effects on our bone health so we need to be careful with it. We just need to follow the following steps:
We all know how bad inflammation can affect our body. It can result in severe pain, aches and terrible skin conditions too. Arthritis and joint pain are also caused due to inflammation. This inflammation can either be due to the wrong choices of the food that we eat of due to overexertion.
Avoid Inflammatory Foods
The best way to avoid this is to take anti-inflammatory diet. For this, we have to change our eating habits. Anti-inflammatory diet includes fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, whole grains, fish, lean meat, fresh herbs and plant based proteins and healthy fats from olive oil and avocados etc. One of the best options for an anti-inflammatory diet is apple. It contains a chemical called quercetin that increases the collagen production in our body. Also, apple’s skin has a lot of benefits as the concentration of quercetin is higher in it. So, do not peel the skin off. Other than that, vegetables rich in vitamin K like broccoli, spinach and cabbage fight inflammation. Fruits like cherries, raspberries, and blackberries also have great anti-inflammatory properties. Oatmeal, brown rice, and whole wheat bread tend to be rich in fiber; it also plays a good role in fighting inflammation. Intake of beans is also very good as they are loaded with anti-oxidants. Nuts also helps stop inflammation. Salmon, tuna and sardines fish should also be taken twice a week. Herbs and spices like turmeric powder and garlic curbs should be taken as they give flavor to our food and they are anti-oxidants.
Make sure you take plenty of water as the water keeps our body cells and tissues wet and moist and helps our body joints to move properly by providing lubrication.
Most of the cartilage is composed of collagen. Collagen is a protein which is present in our whole body. Vitamin C is very important for the biosynthesis or preparation of collagen. Vitamin C is also known as ascorbic acid and is a water soluble vitamin which is naturally present in many foods. You can take citrus fruits, kiwi fruit and berries to increase the consumption of Vitamin C. Leafy green vegetables and broccoli are also good sources of vitamin C.
Another vitamin, vitamin D is also very essential for our bone and cartilage health. It is also known as sunshine vitamin because our body produces vitamin D when our skin is being exposed to sunlight. Sources of vitamin D are fatty fish like salmon, fish liver oil, egg yolks, orange juice, soy milk, beef liver, cereals, and some dairy products. Its deficiency may cause weakness of muscles and bone pain.
Vitamins C and D Intake
We often think that gelatin is only used in desserts, but that is not true. Gelatin is rich in amino acids, which makes our bones strong and healthy. Gelatin is derived from animal sources and the one made of cooked collagen is very beneficial for our body. Consuming this gelatin makes our body produce more collagen and encourages the cartilage development.
Not only this, it is amazingly beneficial for our skin, nails and hair and is very rich in proteins. It also is free of fat and cholesterol so people who have weight issues can take benefit from it.
Bone broth is made from animal’s bones. It is rich in minerals and calcium that is best for our bones. During the cooking process the minerals from animal’s bones are extracted. It improves our joint health, reduces cellulite, and boosts our immune system. It is very beneficial for cold as flu as well and heals disorders like allergies, asthma, and arthritis too. Gelatin present in bone broth helps the cartilage move without friction.
Bone broth is world’s best source of natural collagen and is rich in calcium as well. On adding it to our diet, our bones absorb the bone broth and take benefits of all the collagen, calcium and proteins present in it. A tip of consuming bone broth is to add a spoonful of apple cider vinegar in it while cooking. This way the acid present in the vinegar helps breaking down the bones further that extracts more calcium and minerals from it into the soup. This means getting more benefits.
Bone Broth Roast Bones
Glucosamine is an amino sugar; it is a natural chemical compound present in our body and is also present in the form of supplements.
Glucosamine in our body helps us keep our cartilage healthy. It reduces inflammation, swelling and pain. Earlier, glucosamine was used as a natural supplement for joint pains and arthritis. It provides comfort to the joints and makes it easy for you to perform movements.
According to some studies, 1500 milligrams of it daily, is considered good. However, it is a sugar and is not recommended to diabetic patients. Also, you should consult your doctor before going for it as too much intake can increase your risk of diabetes.
There are many nutrients which are important for health one of which is sulfur, when it comes to inflammation. It is a very useful and important nutrient for our cartilage as it fights inflammation. The most common and amazing sources of sulfur are onions and garlic. It is also present in leeks and scallions. There are a lot of ways to add these vegetables to your diet as not only they provide sulfur, but they also enhance the taste of a lot of dishes.
A plus point of adding these vegetables to your diet is that they also regulate the sodium levels in the blood and maintain the overall health of your body.
Sulfur Burps
Exercise is a bodily activity that keeps our body healthy, active and maintain. It also enhances our mental health. Exercise is a very good way to keep our cartilage, bones, muscles and the whole body working in a good shape. While overexertion and heavy exercises can damage your cartilage, reasonable exercise, recommended according to your health, weight, age and other factors should be done daily in order to maintain a healthy cartilage. Exercise helps you stay fit and boosts your strength and stamina. It also maintains your bone density that helps you prevent osteoporosis on getting old.
Torn Knee Meniscus Symptoms
Exercise in pool is also a good choice for maintaining cartilage health, especially if you face problems while exercising on land. You will feel more flexible and you will move more easily in water. You can build up your strength without getting injuries and pains which you may get on land.
Workouts to do in the pool
We all know that prevention is better than cure. Maintaining cartilage health is very important for everyone as the cartilage starts breaking down when you get old. The best way to prevent all the weakness and diseases related to weak bones or cartilage, you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle at your early age. Make the above mentioned points your habits so you do not have to face any problems when you get old. A healthy diet, reasonable exercise and drinking plenty of water is the key solution to many of your health related problems. Make sure you follow all these tips to stay fit and strong.
5 Foods That Can Help You Burn More Fat
Regardless of all claims and researches, there is no magical food that will burn down all your fats and help you lose weight without any effort. There’s no shortcut, if you want to turn slim and shape up your body, you need to give up on sugar, eat healthy, reduce your body’s stress levels, get plenty of sleep and exercise more than you eat.
And once you get started on a proper weight loss regime, you need these five superfoods to reduce inflammation, curb your appetite, speed up your metabolism and curb all your unnecessary cravings.
Here, take a look at the amazing weight loss properties of these 5 powerful superfoods:
Lemon juice is the ultimate weight loss secret of the Japanese, and drinking a cup of hot water with lemon soon after waking up in the morning will prove amazing for your digestion and weight management.
Research reveals that taking a three-four tbsp. of lemon juice before your while you’re having your meal will help you reduce the blood sugar response your body will derive from that meal. Furthermore, a study conducted on mice revealed that lemon is rich in polyphenols, agents that reduce and break down weight gain and fat accumulation within the body.
Lemon in Water Weight Loss
You must squeeze some lemons on all your regular meals, salads and grilled items to enjoy maximum benefits, and be sure to drink a glass of sparkling water with lemon juice alongside your meals.
Cinnamon is hailed for its countless health benefits, and it is extremely effective in burning calories and achieving weight loss. It lowers down the blood glucose levels in the body and that slows down the process of stomach emptying. This makes you feel satiated and full a lot faster and you tend to eat smaller portions of every meal.
Research reveals that cinnamon plays a vital role in regulating and balance glucose levels amongst patient suffering with Diabetes type 2 or prediabetes, and it is one of the best foods to fight against diabetes. All you need is one and a half tsp. of cinnamon to start burning those awful calories, however, be sure to only pick out fresh cinnamon and it’s active agents and polyphenols tend to deteriorate with time.
Cinnamon and Honey for Weight Loss Reviews
Cayenne is one of the most powerful aphrodisiacs provided by nature, and it is highly effective in satiating and curbing pangs of hunger, and burning down unwanted calories. If you’re a fan of spicy food, hot peppers and hot sauces can also help you reduce your hunger and your weight.
Research reveals that peppers contain capsaicin, a phytochemical that makes them spicy, which has the power to speed up the process of fat burning, along with speeding up your metabolic rate. Here’s a fun recipe for weight-loss, take a non-dairy, plant-derived or defatted beef chocolate protein powder that is soy-free and blend it up with coconut milk, avocado and a quarter tsp. of cayenne. It will make the most delicious breakfast smoothie that will speed up the calorie burning process and fill up your body with energy.
Turmeric has been hailed as a powerful anti-inflammatory and its nutrient-rich profile that provides countless lifestyle, medicinal and health benefits. Inflammation accompanies nearly every other medical ailment, and it causes the patient to become obese and overweight.
Turmeric is truly the best herb to eliminate all signs of inflammation and shape up your figure because it is rich in curcumin, a powerful active agent that cuts down obesity, along with curing several other health conditions. You can always add turmeric to your regular meals to enjoy its anti-inflammatory benefits and add a spicy tinge to your recipes. But if you’re not a big fan of its taste, you can always get a premium quality curcumin supplement to experience its weight loss benefits.
Can turmeric help you lose weight
Flaxseeds are truly your best pick to get those calories to burn down, as they are packed with omega-3-alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which regulates the balance of hormones, and tones down inflammation.
Research reveals that flaxseeds are a powerful ingredient in weight loss diets, as it reduces inflammation and cuts down fats in the abdominal region. And the best part is, flaxseeds provide a rich dose of huger-satiating fiber. You can enjoy a tasty and crunchy snack of freshly ground flaxseeds, or whip them up into a delicious fruity smoothie. However, when shopping for flaxseeds, be sure to get only organic flaxseeds, which you can easily grind in a food processor or coffee grounder because the frail fatty acids tend to turn stale very quickly.
Flax Seeds Help Lose Weight
Remember, these foods won’t help you lose weight if you don’t reduce your portions, eat mindfully and get plenty of exercise. You can only enjoy their benefits with a proper weight loss diet and regime.
Benefits of Coffee Scrubs For Fighting Cellulite…
Cellulite is a stubborn and annoying issue which is very hard to fight. Cellulite is a general skin condition where the skin gets fatty and looks lump alike. Typically, women suffer from cellulite over the hips, thighs and butt area! Cellulite looks completely unpleasing and annoying. For the ladies who are plus sized, this issue would make the legs, hips and thighs look lumpy and unattractive! Thanks to the all cool coffee scrubs which can fight the cellulite with ease! Coffee powder is an amazing ingredient in out kitchen jars which numerous properties for battling skin aging and enhancing skin tightening. If you are still unaware regarding the benefits of coffee scrubs for cellulite, these upcoming information would implly you!
Coffee Scrubs For Cellulite
Benefits of Coffee Powder For Cellulite
Coffee powder treatment for cellulite is a process which includes different other ingredients for battling cellulite.
Caffeine massages and applications helps in boosting blood circulation which would battle cellulite easily.
Coffee powder helps in improving the blood circulation and development of collagen which is an important protein and fats fat storage!
Coffee powder is filled with antioxidants which can nourish and tighten your skin while battling the rigid cellulite.
These are the cool benefits of coffee scrub for cellulite. The properties, ingredients and nourishment of coffee powder would certainly help in reducing cellulite. Here are some of the stunning and impactful DIY coffee scrubs for cellulite which would help in eliminating cellulite easily from your body!
Coffee Scrubs For Cellulite
1. Coffee Powder, Coconut Oil and Sugar Scrub
This is the most promising and high impact coffee scrub which would never fail to show results quickly! Women have been relying on this amazing coffee scrub to get rid of the rigid cellulite over legs, hips and thighs. This amazing process would simply fight the jammed cellulite, improve the blood flow and get you flawless skin! Try this super cool coffee scrubs for cellulite and you would love the results!
Ingredients: Coffee Granules, Sugar and Coconut Oil
Crush the coffee granules in a blender for making thick and bit lumpier powder.
Add some coconut oil and sugar in this powder.
Keep it mixing with your fingers and soon it would get as a sticky past.
Apply this amazing scrub on your cellulite affected area while scrubbing.
Cover the entire area with plastic wrap.
This would help in melting the cellulite and extra fat.
Let it work for an hour and then rinse with Luke warm water.
This is a cool cellulite melting treatment with coffee powder which would banish the lumps and fat in few applications. This amazing scrub made from the three nourishing, fat fighting and blood circulation improving ingredients would simply get you rid of the cellulite!
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2. Warm Olive Oil and Coffee Scrub
Just like heating the coffee would make it super delicious and tasty, applying warmth and heat to the body would melt away the sticky and undesirable fat! This warm and rigorous process for fighting cellulite would certainly have some miraculous effects on your skin! With the nourishing and skin conditioning properties of olive oil and the fat cutting benefits of coffee powder, here is an exclusive scrubbing recipe you can try for fighting cellulite from your body!
Ingredients: Olive Oil, Coffee Grounds
Get some coffee ground and crush them in mixture.
Heat some olive oil in the pan and when Luke warm, and the coffee powder in this oil.
Mix these ingredients and prepare a thick paste.
Scrub your legs, hips and thighs with this mixture for 15-20 minutes.
Cover the complete area with a plastic wrap and leave this amazing mixture to cut all the fat for an hour
Take a hot shower bath!
This is a rigorous and cool recipe which would fight cellulite with ease and would get you adorable results over cellulite! If you have gained a lot of cellulite which makes your skin appear dark, patchy and lumpy, use this amazing coffee scrubs for cellulite which can work miracles on your cellulite affected skin and get you amazing benefits!
3. Coffee Sea Salt and Shea Butter Scrub
Body butters are amazing for making the skin super smooth, flawless and also for melting the fat! Sea salt is a deep cleansing agent which would fight the impurities and fat stored underneath your skin and get you rid of the cellulite! If you want a natural scrub prepared from some of the most promising and natural ingredients which would never fail to make your skin super smooth and gorgeous, here is a cool and high-impact coffee scrub which would get you rid of the rigid cellulite soon!
Ingredients: Coffee Grounds, Shea Butter and SeaSalt
Blend some coffee grounds and make a thick powder with coffee crystal.
Add little Shea butter and seal salt in this powder and mix.
As per the consistency, prepare a thick paste.
Scrub your skin with this refreshing and fat fighting scrub for 15-20 minutes rigorously.
Warp it with a plastic wrap and leave it for an hour.
Rinse with hot water.
Check out the homemade sugar scrub recipes ...
This amazing scrub can also be completed with a stunning technique which is very beneficial and beneficial for fighting cellulite. If you want to get rid of the cellulite, use the dry brush technique to make this coffee mask more affectful. After scrubbing your hips and thighs with this glorious scrub, get a dry brush with mild and moderate smooth bristles and crush your skin with this brush. This would also aid in improving blood circulation and would get you rid of the cellulite soon!
These are the top 3 scrubs with coffee as a prime ingredient. With all these cool ingredients, you would get a common and stunning benefit of cellulite elimination! If you want to flaunt your bikini body with gorgeous and super smooth skin, try these natural coffee scrubs to reduce the cellulite and make the legs look supple, glossy and adorable this season!
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