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To Water Birth or Not to Water Birth?

To Water Birth or Not to Water Birth?

The process of giving birth in a tub of warm water is known as water birth. Some women choose to go through labor in the water and get out for delivery. Others choose to stay in the water for the delivery as well. The theory behind water birth is that when the baby has already been in the amniotic fluid sac for nine months, getting out in a similar environment is milder for the baby and less stressful for the mother.

What are the potential benefits of water birth?

For the mother:

−Warm water is soothing, comforting, and relaxing.

−In the later stages of labor, the water is proven to raise the woman’s energy.

−The impact of buoyancy reduces a mother’s body weight, which allows free movements and new positioning.

−Buoyancy encourages more efficient uterine contractions and improved blood circulation, resulting in better oxygenation of the uterine muscles, less pain for the mom, and more oxygen for the baby.

−Immersion in water often helps lower high blood pressure resulting from the anxiety.

−The water seems to decrease stress-related hormones, which lets the mother’s body create endorphins serving as pain-inhibitors.

−Water help the perineum to become more elastic and relaxed, which decreases the possibility and severity of tearing and the demand for an episiotomy and stitches.

−When the laboring woman relaxes physically, she is able to relax mentally with higher ability to concentrate on the birth process.

−Since the water gives the woman a greater sense of privacy, it can lower inhibitions, anxiety, and fears.

For the baby:

−Offer an environment similar to the amniotic sac.

−Reduce the stress of birth, thus increasing reassurance and sense of security.

What are the risks of water birth?

According to an article written by the Royal College of Obstetrician and Gynecologists, there might be a theoretical possibility of water embolism.This happens when water enters the mother’s bloodstream. Even though the British Medical Journal is 95% confident in the safety of water births, they see a possible risk of water aspiration. If the baby is undergoing stress in the birth canal or if the umbilical cord is kinked or twisted, the baby might gasp for air with the risk of inhaling water.

This is pretty rare because babies often do not inhale until they are exposed to the air. They keep receiving oxygen through the umbilical cord until they begin to breathe by themselves or until the cord is cut. The last potential risk is that the umbilical cord could snap once the baby is brought to the surface of the water. This can be avoided by using caution when lifting the baby up to the mom’s chest.

When not to water birth?

−If you have Herpes: Herpes passes easily in water, so you should talk about this risk thoroughly with your health care provider.

−If your baby is breech: Although water birth has been carried out with bottom or feet first presentations, you should talk about this risk thoroughly with your doctor.

−If you are diagnosed with excessive bleeding or maternal infection.

−If you are the mother of multiples: Although water births have been successful around the world with twin births, you should talk about this risk thoroughly with your health care provider.

−If preterm labor can occur: If a baby is pre-term (two weeks or more prior to the due date), water birth is not suggested.

−If there is serious meconium: Mild to moderate meconium is quite normal. Since meconium floats to the surface in a tub, your health care providers will keep track of it and remove it instantly or help you get out of the tub. Meconium normally washes off the face of the baby and even comes out of the nose and mouth when the baby is still under water. If the water is stained and birth is about to occur, the woman can lift her pelvis out of the water to birth the infant.

−If you get toxemia or preeclampsia: You should talk about this risk with your doctor.

I thought hot tubs and whirlpools could be dangerous throughout pregnancy?

The risk relies on the temperature. If the water is too hot, dehydration and overheating can become a problem for you and the baby. You should try to stay hydrated and make sure the temperature of the water stays at 37 degrees C. Birthing pools are specifically designed to avoid this problem.

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