6 Advices To Help You Prevent Cavities And Make You Forget About Dentists
Nobody wants to go to the dentist. In order to minimize this obligation to minimum, pay attention to your teeth’s health. In this article we will present a few tips that will help you prevent the development of caries and heal your teeth.
There are many natural ways to protect against cavities. By introducing changes in your diet and practicing proper dental care you will be able reduce the possibility of caries occurrence. Here are the 7 tips which will help minimize the visit to the dentist.
1. Consume food rich in calcium
Milk, cheese and yogurt will strengthen your teeth thus you will reduce the risk of getting caries.
2. Consume food rich in vitamin A, K and D
Vitamin K is responsible for the health and development of our teeth. Therefore, it is important to eat foods that are rich in vitamin K, foods such as cabbage, cauliflower, fish oil, cheese and yogurt. Foods rich in vitamins A and D will also reduce the chance of developing cavities. You can enter these vitamins by consuming goat cheese, eggs, salmon etc.
3. Reduce the intake of carbohydrates and sugars
Studies have shown that people whose diet is rich in carbohydrates and sugar have more cavities. Therefore it is important to limit these foods’ intake and eat them in minimal quantities.
4. Drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day
Water stimulates the process of decomposing food particles in the mouth and neutralizing the present acid. Therefore, you should drink minimum 6 cups of water daily.
5. Prepare vegetable soup
If you want to “feed” you teeth, prepare yourselves soup rich in vegetables of your choice.
6. Brush your teeth twice a day
By regularly brushing and flossing your teeth, you will allow the food particles in your mouth turn into bacteria that prevent caries. Brush your teeth in the morning and in the evening.
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