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Special Diets for Teens during Puberty

A diet for teenagers who are pubescent

Puberty is a phase when physical changes happen rapidly, turning a child’s body into a grown-up body capable of reproduction. At this age, a teenager’s body has a higher need for calories and other nutrients to grow up properly.


As people grow older, the calcium rate in their bodies becomes lower. For children during puberty, this will affect their bone and muscle growth. Adolescents need about 1200mg of calcium per day. Calcium-containing food can be milk, milk pudding, yogurt, cheese and so on. Make sure to feed your children 3 or 4 servings of calcium a day.


Protein is a crucial nutrition for growing tissues, muscles and bones. Protein can be found in meat, beans or seafood. An ideal intake of protein should be from 2 to 3 servings per day. However, you should choose lean meat, poultry with skin removed or vegetarian protein food such as beans or tofu to avoid taking in too much fat.

Rice or alternatives

Rice contains a high amount of calories, which is what adolescents’ bodies usually crave for at this stage. Teens should eat 6 or 7 servings of rice a day. There is a wide range of food that can be alternatives to rice. These can be bread, pasta or noodles, biscuits or cereals, and so on. Moreover, pick whole grains to take in more fiber, which helps improve the digestive health.

Vegetables & fruits

Vegetables and fruits are great sources of minerals and nutrients. A wide range of vegetables is desirable, including leafy greens (which can provide folate) and yellow-orange vegetables (which provide beta-carotene). Citrus fruit also helps boost vitamin C intake and prevent cancer.


Many people underestimate the importance of water. It acts as a detox tool after children’s school activities. Gas-containing beverages or alcoholic drinks may bring more calories and toxins into the body.

Other nutrients


Iron is exceptionally important for girls during puberty as they can suffer from anemia through the process of menstruation. Lean meat is a source of iron, which should be a regular serving for teenage girls. Supplementary iron pills should also be taken during puberty to provide a sufficient amount of iron.


This nutrient can be found in fortified cereals, poultry, lean meats and so on. Male adolescents need about 11mg of zinc per day, while girls need about 9mg.


Folic acid (vitamin B) helps prevent anemia and grow cells. A lack of vitamin B can cause depression, psychiatric disorders, memory function, and dementia. Therefore, this nutrient should not be missed from children’s daily meals. Folate can be found in vegetables like leafy greens, spinach, citrus fruits, dried beans, and whole wheat bread.

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